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How to achieve zoom in or zoom out functionality to ports in WPF Diagram (SfDiagram)?

2 mins read

Zooming can be applied over ports using the ViewPortChangedEvent by changing the width and height of the ports when page is getting zoom-in or zoom-out depends the zoom factor values of the WPF Diagram (SfDiagram). This event will be raised whenever a diagram and its objects have been changed.


public partial class MainWindow : Window
  public MainWindow()
    SfDiagram Diagram = new SfDiagram();
    Diagram.Nodes = new NodeCollection();
    NodeViewModel node = new NodeViewModel()
       OffsetX = 100,
       OffsetY = 100,
       UnitHeight = 100,
       UnitWidth = 100,
       Shape = new RectangleGeometry() { Rect = new Rect(10, 10, 10, 10) },
       Ports = new PortCollection()
         new CustomNodePort()
           UnitHeight = 10,
           UnitWidth = 10,
           NodeOffsetX = 1,
           NodeOffsetY = 1,
           InitialHeight = 10,
           InitialWidth = 10,
           Shape = new RectangleGeometry(){ Rect = new Rect(10 , 10, 10, 10) },
    (Diagram.Nodes as NodeCollection).Add(node);
    (Diagram.Info as IGraphInfo).ViewPortChangedEvent += MainWindow_ViewPortChangedEvent;
  private void MainWindow_ViewPortChangedEvent(object sender, ChangeEventArgs<object, ScrollChanged> args)
    foreach (NodeViewModel node in Diagram.Nodes as NodeCollection)
      foreach (CustomNodePort nodeport in node.Ports as PortCollection)
         nodeport.UnitHeight = nodeport.InitialHeight * args.NewValue.CurrentZoom;
         nodeport.UnitWidth = nodeport.InitialWidth * args.NewValue.CurrentZoom;

Custom class for ports to get or set the size to diagram ports.

public class CustomNodePort : NodePortViewModel
  private double _initialheight;
  public double InitialHeight
      return _initialheight;
      if (value != _initialheight)
        _initialheight = value;
  private double _initialwidth;
  public double InitialWidth
      return _initialwidth;
      if (value != _initialwidth)
        _initialwidth = value;

View Sample in GitHub

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