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How to update ListView on property change in Xamarin.Forms (SfListView)
1 min read
You can update Grouping and Sorting of SfListView on property change by using LiveDataUpdateMode in Xamarin.Forms.
Adding GroupDescriptors, SortDescriptors and LiveDataUpdateMode properties of DataSource to ListView.
namespace ListViewXamarin { public class Behavior : Behavior<SfListView> { SfListView listView; protected override void OnAttachedTo(SfListView bindable) { listView = bindable; listView.Loaded += Bindable_Loaded; base.OnAttachedTo(bindable); } private void Bindable_Loaded(object sender, ListViewLoadedEventArgs e) { listView.DataSource.LiveDataUpdateMode = LiveDataUpdateMode.AllowDataShaping; listView.DataSource.GroupDescriptors.Add( new GroupDescriptor() { PropertyName = "ContactName", KeySelector = (object obj1) => { var item = (obj1 as Contacts); return item.ContactName[0].ToString(); } }); listView.DataSource.SortDescriptors.Add( new SortDescriptor() { PropertyName = "ContactName" }); } protected override void OnDetachingFrom(SfListView bindable) { listView.Loaded -= Bindable_Loaded; listView = null; base.OnDetachingFrom(bindable); } } }
Modifying item on ListView item tapped
namespace ListViewXamarin { public class ContactsViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { public Command ChangeItem { get; set; } public ContactsViewModel() { ChangeItem = new Command(OnChangeItem); } private void OnChangeItem(object obj) { if((obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemTappedEventArgs).ItemType == ItemType.GroupHeader) { return; } var item = (obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemTappedEventArgs).ItemData as Contacts; item.ContactName = "Chan"; } } }