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How to restrict date range picker within the date limit in the Flutter Date Range Picker (SfDateRangePicker)?
1 min read
In the Flutter Date Range Picker, you can restrict the swiping behavior using the `minDate` and `maxDate` property.
Step 1:
In initState(), set the default values for min and max dates.
late DateTime _minDate, _maxDate; @override void initState() { _minDate=DateTime(2020,3,5,9,0,0); _maxDate=DateTime(2020,3,25,9,0,0); super.initState(); }
Step 2:
Place the date picker inside the body of the Scaffold widget with the mentioned min and max date.
body: Card( margin: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(50, 150, 50, 150), child: SfDateRangePicker( view: DateRangePickerView.month, minDate: _minDate, maxDate: _maxDate, ), )
Step 3:
Please find the entire code for the date restriction as follows.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_datepicker/datepicker.dart'; void main() => runApp(SwipeRestriction()); class SwipeRestriction extends StatelessWidget { // This widget is the root of your application. @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false , home: ViewRestriction(), ); } } class ViewRestriction extends StatefulWidget { @override _ViewRestrictionState createState() => _ViewRestrictionState(); } class _ViewRestrictionState extends State<ViewRestriction> { late DateTime _minDate, _maxDate; @override void initState() { _minDate=DateTime(2020,3,5,9,0,0); _maxDate=DateTime(2020,3,25,9,0,0); super.initState(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Card( margin: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(40, 150, 40, 150), child: SfDateRangePicker( view: DateRangePickerView.month, minDate: _minDate, maxDate: _maxDate, ), ) ); } }