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How to handle button action of ListView item when dragging in Xamarin.Forms (SflistView)?
2 mins read
You can handle the button click action that is loaded in the ItemTemplate by maintaining a property in the ViewModel and skip the process while drag and drop the ListViewItem using Xamarin.Forms SfListView.
Bind Button.Command to skip the button click action.
<ContentPage xmlns:syncfusion="clr-namespace:Syncfusion.ListView.XForms;assembly=Syncfusion.SfListView.XForms"> <ContentPage.Content> <Grid> <syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView" ItemSize="70" DragStartMode="OnHold" SelectionBackgroundColor="Transparent" ItemsSource="{Binding ContactsInfo}"> <syncfusion:SfListView.Behaviors> <local:Behavior/> </syncfusion:SfListView.Behaviors> <syncfusion:SfListView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ViewCell> <ViewCell.View> <Grid x:Name="grid" RowSpacing="0"> <Button Text="{Binding ContactName}" x:Name="button" Command="{Binding BindingContext.TapCommand ,Source={x:Reference Name=listView}}" CommandParameter="{Binding .}"/> </Grid> </ViewCell.View> </ViewCell> </DataTemplate> </syncfusion:SfListView.ItemTemplate> </syncfusion:SfListView> </Grid> </ContentPage.Content> </ContentPage>
Behavior class to trigger the SfListView.ItemDragging event. Update the property isDragEndRaised to true, based on the DragAction.
class Behavior : Behavior<SfListView> { public SfListView listview { get; private set; } protected override void OnAttachedTo(SfListView bindable) { base.OnAttachedTo(bindable); listview = bindable as SfListView; listview.ItemDragging += Listview_ItemDragging; } private void Listview_ItemDragging(object sender, ItemDraggingEventArgs e) { var viewModel = (sender as SfListView).BindingContext as ListViewGroupingViewModel; if (e.Action == Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.DragAction.Drop) { viewModel.isDragEndRaised = true; } } protected override void OnDetachingFrom(SfListView bindable) { base.OnDetachingFrom(bindable); listview.ItemDragging -= Listview_ItemDragging; listview = null; } }
Disable the isDragEndRaised property in the TapCommand execution method.
public class ListViewGroupingViewModel { private Command tapcommand; public Command TapCommand { get { return tapcommand; } set { tapcommand = value; } } public bool isDragEndRaised = false; public ListViewGroupingViewModel() { TapCommand = new Command(OnButtonClick); GenerateSource(); } private void OnButtonClick(object obj) { var itemData = obj as ListViewContactsInfo; if (isDragEndRaised == true) { isDragEndRaised = false; return; } else App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Tapped item data : " + itemData.ContactName, "OK"); } }