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How to filter multiple records using the filter bar template in JavaScript Grid?

2 mins read

In JavaScript Grid, you can filter multiple records in the grid column by using a filter bar template. It is used to render a Multi Select component and create predicates based on which query is formed and executed using the data manager to get the filtered data. This is explained in detail below,

Initially, the column’s filterBarTemplate is used for rendering template using its read, write and destroy functions. In the read function, the multiselect component is initialized and rendered to the filter bar and in its change event, grid data is filtered based on the multiselect values using the data's predicates based on which query is formed and executed using the data manager. The filtered data returned is then assigned to the grid's dataSource.

This is explained in the following code snippet,

var dropInstance;
// Column's filter template function
filterBarTemplate: {
        create: function(args) {
            return ej.base.createElement('input', { className: 'flm-input' });
        write: function(args) {
            // Multiselect is initialized 
            dropInstance = new ej.dropdowns.MultiSelect({
                change: (arg) => {
                    var arrVal = arg.value;
                    if (arrVal.length === 0) {
                        // If the multiselect does not contain any value then the entire data will be assigned to the grid's datasource 
                        var OrginalData = new;
                        grid.dataSource = OrginalData;
                    } else {
                        var predicate = [];
                        // Predicates are generated for the selected values 
                        for (let x = 0; x < arrVal.length; x++) {
                            predicate = (predicate.length === 0) ? new'ShipCountry', 'equal', arrVal[x]) : predicate.or('ShipCountry', 'equal', arrVal[x]);
                        // Data manager is executed with query formed from the generated predicates 
                        var filteredData = new;
                        // Filtered data is assigned as the grid's data source 
                        grid.dataSource = filteredData;
                // Multiselect's data source 
                dataSource: ['Germany', 'Brazil', 'France', 'Belgium'],
        destroy: function() {


Since the multi select's input border value will be set in the grid considering it as a normal filter bar, the following CSS needs to be included to override it. 

.e-grid .e-filterbarcell input.e-dropdownbase {
        border-color: white !important;




Multiple filtering in column


You can find the samples here:

JavaScript (ES5) sample

React sample




I hope you enjoyed learning about how to filter multiple records using the filter bar template in JavaScript Grid.

You can refer to our JavaScript Grid feature tour page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations and documentation, and how to quickly get started for configuration specifications. You can also explore our JavaScript Grid example to understand how to create and manipulate data.

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