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How to create filled PolyLine Node in WPF Diagram (SfDiagram)?

1 min read

You can create unfilled polyline(i.e. Polyline Connector) by using the DrawingTool and DefaultConnectorType properties of WPF Diagram (SfDiagram).


You can also create filled polyline(i.e. Polyline Node) by using the Node’s Shape property which basically supports PathGeometry values. There you can set dozens of points as PathFigure to create your own polyline.


//Node filled Polyline 
var pointsCollection = new PointCollection(); 
pointsCollection.Add(new Point(300, 350)); 
pointsCollection.Add(new Point(330, 300)); 
pointsCollection.Add(new Point(370, 300)); 
pointsCollection.Add(new Point(400, 350)); 
pointsCollection.Add(new Point(370, 400)); 
pointsCollection.Add(new Point(330, 400)); 
var pathFigure = new PathFigure() 
   StartPoint = pointsCollection.First(), 
   Segments = new PathSegmentCollection() { new PolyLineSegment() { Points = pointsCollection } } 
var pathGeometry = new PathGeometry() { Figures = new PathFigureCollection() { pathFigure } }; 
NodeViewModel node = new NodeViewModel()  
   ID = "NodeID", 
   OffsetX = 300, 
   OffsetY = 400, 
   UnitWidth = 100, 
   UnitHeight = 100, 
   Shape = pathGeometry, 
(diagram.Nodes as NodeCollection).Add(node);



View sample in GitHub.

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