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How to add resources in the Flutter Calendar
2 mins read
In the Flutter event calendar, you can group the appointment based on the available resource in the timeline views of the calendar.
STEP 1: In initState(), set the default values for calendar.
List<CalendarView> _allowedViews; List<String> _subjectCollection; List<Color> _colorCollection; List<Appointment> _shiftCollection; List<CalendarResource> _employeeCollection; List<TimeRegion> _specialTimeRegions; List<String> _nameCollection; List<String> _userImages; _DataSource _events; @override void initState() { _shiftCollection = <Appointment>[]; _employeeCollection = <CalendarResource>[]; _specialTimeRegions = <TimeRegion>[]; _userImages = <String>[]; _addResourceDetails(); _addResources(); _addSpecialRegions(); _addAppointmentDetails(); _addAppointments(); _events = _DataSource(_shiftCollection, _employeeCollection); _allowedViews = <CalendarView>[ CalendarView.timelineDay, CalendarView.timelineWeek, CalendarView.timelineWorkWeek, CalendarView.timelineMonth, ]; super.initState(); }
STEP 2: Create a resource view by using the displayName, color, id and image properties of CalendarResource.
void _addResources() { Random random = Random(); for (int i = 0; i < _nameCollection.length; i++) { _employeeCollection.add(CalendarResource( displayName: _nameCollection[i], id: '000' + i.toString(), color: Color.fromRGBO( random.nextInt(255), random.nextInt(255), random.nextInt(255), 1), image: i < _userImages.length ? ExactAssetImage(_userImages[i]) : null)); } }
STEP 3: You can add the resources to appointment by using the resources property of CalendarDataSource.
class _DataSource extends CalendarDataSource { _DataSource(List<Appointment> source, List<CalendarResource> resourceColl) { appointments = source; resources = resourceColl; } }
STEP 4: You can assign the resources to the appointments by using the resourceIds property of Appointment.
void _addAppointments() { _shiftCollection = <Appointment>[]; final Random random = Random(); for (int i = 0; i < _employeeCollection.length; i++) { final List<String> _employeeIds = <String>[_employeeCollection[i].id]; if (i == _employeeCollection.length - 1) { int index = random.nextInt(5); index = index == i ? index + 1 : index; _employeeIds.add(_employeeCollection[index].id); } for (int k = 0; k < 365; k++) { if (_employeeIds.length > 1 && k % 2 == 0) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { final DateTime date = k + j)); int startHour = 9 + random.nextInt(6); startHour = startHour >= 13 && startHour <= 14 ? startHour + 1 : startHour; final DateTime _shiftStartTime = DateTime(date.year, date.month,, startHour, 0, 0); _shiftCollection.add(Appointment( startTime: _shiftStartTime, endTime: _shiftStartTime.add(Duration(hours: 1)), subject: _subjectCollection[random.nextInt(8)], color: _colorCollection[random.nextInt(8)], startTimeZone: '', endTimeZone: '', resourceIds: _employeeIds)); } } } }
STEP 5: Also, you can add the resources to the time regions by using the resources property of CalendarDataSource.
void _addSpecialRegions() { final DateTime date =; Random random = Random(); for (int i = 0; i < _employeeCollection.length; i++) { _specialTimeRegions.add(TimeRegion( startTime: DateTime(date.year, date.month,, 13, 0, 0), endTime: DateTime(date.year, date.month,, 14, 0, 0), text: 'Lunch', resourceIds: <Object>[_employeeCollection[i].id], recurrenceRule: 'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1')); if (i % 2 == 0) { continue; } final DateTime startDate = DateTime( date.year, date.month,, 17 + random.nextInt(7), 0, 0); _specialTimeRegions.add(TimeRegion( startTime: startDate, endTime: startDate.add(Duration(hours: 3)), text: 'Not Available', enablePointerInteraction: false, resourceIds: <Object>[_employeeCollection[i].id], )); } }
STEP 6: Assign those events, special regions to corresponding properties of the calendar.
child: SfCalendar( view: CalendarView.timelineWeek, showDatePickerButton: true, allowedViews: _allowedViews, specialRegions: _specialTimeRegions, dataSource: _events, ),