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How to customize a needle pointer knob in WPF radial gauge (SfCircularGauge)

6 mins read

This article explains how to customize a needle pointer knob in Syncfusion WPF SfCircularGauge control  as shown in the following imagebelow.


Needle pointer knob customization



To construct the previousabove UI, follow these following steps:


Step 1:


Initialize the WPF Circular gauge as shownper in the following code sample.below



       <syncfusion:SfCircularGauge >


Step 2:


You can customize the needle pointer knob size, fill, stroke, and stroke thickness by using the KnobRadiusFactor, KnobFill, KnobStroke, and KnobStrokeThickness properties.



Used to customize the knob radius.


Used to fill the color for the knob.


Used to customize the knob stroke color.


Used to change the knob stroke thickness.



        <syncfusion:SfCircularGauge >
                <syncfusion:CircularScale  ShowRim="False"  LabelPosition="Outside" TickPosition="Outside" FontSize="10" FontWeight="SemiBold" RadiusFactor="0.7" Interval="10" ShowFirstLabel="False" MinorTicksPerInterval="2" TickLength="20"  StartAngle="90" SweepAngle="360" StartValue="0" EndValue="100"  >
                        <syncfusion:CircularPointer NeedlePointerType="Triangle"  NeedlePointerStroke="#39b2c6" KnobRadiusFactor="0.2" KnobStroke="LightPink" KnobStrokeThickness="6" KnobFill="#39b2c6" NeedlePointerStrokeThickness="25" NeedleLengthFactor="0.8" Value="50"/>
                        <syncfusion:MajorTickSetting Stroke="#c1c1c1" StrokeThickness="1"  Offset="0.5"  Length="20"/>
                        <syncfusion:MinorTickSetting Stroke="#c1c1c1" StrokeThickness="2" Offset="0.5" Length="8"/>


View the sample in GitHub.


See also


Needle pointer and customization in WPF SfCircularGauge


Range pointer and customization in WPF SfCircularGauge


Symbol pointer and customization in WPF SfCircularGauge


How to drag the circular pointer in WPF SfCircularGauge


Setting animation for pointer in WPF SfCircularGauge


Setting multiple pointers in WPF SfCircularGauge



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