How to get rid of default left padding for the numeric entry (SfNumericTextBox) in Xamarin.Forms
This article explains how to remove or adjust the default left padding of the Xamarin.Forms Syncfusion SfNumericTextBox with the following steps:
Fig1: Default appearance of SfNumericTextBox | Fig2: After removing its default left padding. |
Step 1: Create a custom SfNumericTextBox control, it has been achieved using the custom renderer with the platform specific.
public class CustomNumericTextBox : SfNumericTextBox { }
Step 2: Add the CustomNumericTextBox control into your UI as follows.
… <local:CustomNumericTextBox Value="123" VerticalOptions="Center" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> …
Step 3: Create a custom renderer to remove the default left padding of the SfNumericTextBox using the platform specific code.
Android: CustomNumericTextBoxRenderer.cs
By setting the value 0 to the parameter left of SetPadding method of native control.
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Syncfusion.SfNumericTextBox.XForms.SfNumericTextBox> e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); if (Control != null) { Control.SetPadding(0, Control.PaddingTop, Control.PaddingRight, Control.PaddingBottom); } }
iOS: CustomNumericTextBoxRenderer.cs
Default left padding has been overridden using the EditTextLeftPadding. By using the reflection, it has been modified in iOS platform as shown in the following code sample.
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<SfNumericTextBox> e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); if (Control != null) { var leftPadding = typeof(Syncfusion.SfNumericTextBox.iOS.SfNumericTextBox).GetProperty("EditTextLeftPadding", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance); leftPadding.SetValue(Control, 0); } }
UWP: CustomNumericTextBoxRenderer.cs
By setting the desired value to the Padding of native control, it will be achieved as shown in the following code sample.
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<SfNumericTextBox> e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); if (Control != null) { Control.Padding = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Thickness(0, Control.Padding.Top, Control.Padding.Right, Control.Padding.Bottom); } }
See also
How to create a borderless Xamarin.Forms SfNumericTextBox
How to assign nullable values in Xamarin.Forms SfNumericTextBox
How to customize the colors in Xamarin.Forms SfNumericTextBox
How to format the numeric value in Xamarin.Forms SfNumericTextBox
Available interaction in numeric control