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How to create parallel coordinate plot in WinForms Chart

4 mins read

This article explains how to create a parallel coordinates plot chart in WinForms.


You can achieve the parallel coordinates plot chart by using the multiple spline or line series and adding the chart axes in parallel with the help of axis crossing support.


The following steps and code examples illustrate how to create the parallel coordinates plot using the Syncfusion chart.


Step 1: Create a custom parallel coordinates chart by inheriting the ChartControl and add required properties such as DataSource, CustomAxisCollection, and SeriesType as shown in the following code sample.


public class ParallelCoordinateChart : ChartControl
        private BindingList<ChartModel> source;
        //Gets or sets the DataSource for the ParallelCoordinateChart.
        public BindingList<ChartModel> DataSource
                return source;
                source = value;
        private ChartSeriesType type = ChartSeriesType.Line;
        //Gets or sets the ParallelCoordinateChart series type.
        public ChartSeriesType SeriesType
                return type;
                type = value;
        private List<CustomAxisModel> customAxisList;
    //Gets or sets the list of axes for parallel coordinates.
        public List<CustomAxisModel> CustomAxisCollection
                return customAxisList;
                customAxisList = value;
        public ParallelCoordinateChart() : base()
            this.PrimaryXAxis.ValueType = ChartValueType.Category;
            this.PrimaryXAxis.Range = new MinMaxInfo(0, 4, 1);
            this.PrimaryXAxis.IsVisible = true;
            this.PrimaryXAxis.OpposedPosition = true;
            this.PrimaryXAxis.DrawGrid = false;
            this.PrimaryYAxis.ValueType = ChartValueType.Double;
            this.PrimaryYAxis.Range = new MinMaxInfo(0, 100, 10);
            this.PrimaryYAxis.IsVisible = false;
            this.PrimaryYAxis.DrawGrid = false;
            this.PrimaryYAxis.Crossing = 0;
            this.PrimaryYAxis.LineType.ForeColor = Color.Transparent;
        private void AddAxis()
            if (CustomAxisCollection != null)
                foreach (var item in CustomAxisCollection)
                    if (!Axes.Contains(item.CustomAxis))


Step 2: Initialize the CustomAxisModel with the required PlotRange, CustomAxisLabels, and CrossingValue properties to generate custom axis as shown in the following code sample.


public class CustomAxisModel
        private MinMaxInfo plotRanges;
        //Gets or sets the range for the axis.
        public MinMaxInfo PlotRange
                return plotRanges;
                plotRanges = value;
        private int crossingValue = Int32.MaxValue;
        //Gets or sets the axis crossing value to position the axis in parallel.
        public int CrossingValue
                return crossingValue;
                crossingValue = value;
        private List<string> customAxisLabel;
        //Gets or sets the list of custom axis label values.
        public List<string> CustomAxisLabels
                return customAxisLabel;
                if (value != null)
                    customAxisLabel = value;
        public ChartAxis CustomAxis { get; set; }
        public string AxisName { get; set; }
        public CustomAxisModel(MinMaxInfo range, int AxisIndex, List<string> axisLabels, string name)
            PlotRange = range;
            CrossingValue = AxisIndex;
            CustomAxisLabels = axisLabels;
            AxisName = name;
        //Generate the axis parallel based on the axis CrossingValue, PlotRange.
        private void GenerateCustomAxis()
            if (CustomAxis == null)
                CustomAxis = new ChartAxis()
                    AxisLabelPlacement = ChartPlacement.Inside,
                    EdgeLabelsDrawingMode = ChartAxisEdgeLabelsDrawingMode.Shift,
                    DrawGrid = false,
                    Orientation = ChartOrientation.Vertical
            if (CrossingValue != Int32.MaxValue)
                CustomAxis.Crossing = CrossingValue;
            if (CustomAxisLabels != null && CustomAxisLabels.Count > 0)
                CustomAxis.FormatLabel -= CustomAxis_FormatLabel;
                CustomAxis.FormatLabel += CustomAxis_FormatLabel;
                PlotRange = new MinMaxInfo(0, CustomAxisLabels.Count - 1, 1);
            if (PlotRange != null)
                CustomAxis.Range = PlotRange;
     //Generate the custom axis labels
        private void CustomAxis_FormatLabel(object sender, ChartFormatAxisLabelEventArgs e)
            if (CustomAxisLabels != null && CustomAxisLabels.Count > e.Value)
                e.Label = CustomAxisLabels[System.Convert.ToInt32(e.Value)];
            e.Handled = true;


Step 3: Then, generate the collection of CustomAxisModel and assign to CustomAxisCollection for generating the chart axis as shown in the following code sample.


this.chartControl = new ParallelCoordinateChart();
var axisCollection = new List<CustomAxisModel>()
       new CustomAxisModel(new MinMaxInfo(2000, 2010, 2), 0, null, "Date"),
       new CustomAxisModel(new MinMaxInfo(80, 120, 5), 1, null, "Goals"),
       new CustomAxisModel(new MinMaxInfo(0, 2.5, 0.5), 2, null, "Values"),
       new CustomAxisModel(null, 3, new List<string>() { "Lzumi", "New Balance", "Brooks", "Asics" }, 
       new CustomAxisModel(null, 4, new List<string>() { " ", "<5 miles", ">5 miles", " " }, "Period")
this.chartControl.CustomAxisCollection = axisCollection;


Step 4: Initialize the collection of data for chart with ChartModel and assign to DataSource property.


this.chartControl = new ParallelCoordinateChart();
BindingList<ChartModel> dataSource = new BindingList<ChartModel>()
       new ChartModel(new List<object>() { 2000, 100, 2.0, "Lzumi", "<5 miles" }),
       new ChartModel(new List<object>() { 2006, 115, 1.0, "New Balance", ">5 miles" }),
       new ChartModel(new List<object>() { 2004, 92, 1.25, "Brooks", ">5 miles" }),
       new ChartModel(new List<object>() { 2009, 90, 1.5, "Asics", "<5 miles" })
this.chartControl.DataSource = dataSource;



Step 5: GenerateSeries method will call when setting the populated data to DataSource property of the chart and series will generate as shown in the following code sample.


//Generate the series based on the DataSource, CustomAxisCollection and SeriesType.
private void GenerateSeries()
       if (DataSource != null && CustomAxisCollection != null && CustomAxisCollection.Count >=  
                foreach (var item in DataSource)
                    BindingList<SeriesModel> itemsSoruce = new BindingList<SeriesModel>();
                    foreach (var value in item.Variable)
                        var index = item.Variable.IndexOf(value);
                        var range = CustomAxisCollection[index].PlotRange;
                        var diff = range.Max - range.Min;
                        double result;
                        double yvalue = 0;
                        if (double.TryParse(value.ToString(), out result))
                            yvalue = ((result - range.Min) / (double)diff) * 100;
                            result = CustomAxisCollection[index].CustomAxisLabels.IndexOf(value.ToString());
                            yvalue = ((result - range.Min) / (double)diff) * 100;
                        itemsSoruce.Add(new SeriesModel(CustomAxisCollection[index].AxisName, yvalue));
                    CategoryAxisDataBindModel dataSeriesModel = new 
                    dataSeriesModel.CategoryName = "XValues";
                    dataSeriesModel.YNames = new string[] { "YValues" };
                    ChartSeries LineSeries = new ChartSeries();
                    LineSeries.Type = SeriesType;
                    LineSeries.SortPoints = false;
                    LineSeries.CategoryModel = dataSeriesModel;



Parallel coordinates plot chart in winforms.


View the sample in GitHub.


See also

How to create a real-time chart

How to create a chart in WinForms

How to bind the data source via chart wizard

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