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How to bind Command to Expander in ItemTemplate of Xamarin.Forms ListView (SfListView)
1 min read
When the SfExpander is loaded in the ListView.ItemTemplate, the ListView.ItemTapped event is not triggered in Android and iOS. Since, the touch flow was handled using the Tunneling-Bubbling concept in the framework. You can refer to the framework report from here. Also, You can use EventToCommandBehavior to bind the Command for Expand/Collapse events in SfExpander using to handle the tap action in Xamarin.Forms.
Using EventToCommandBehavior, bind the Command to the Expanding event. Also, bind the ItemData to the CommandParameter.
<sflistview:SfListView x:Name="listView" AutoFitMode="DynamicHeight" ItemsSource="{Binding ContactsInfo}"> <sflistview:SfListView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Frame x:Name="frame" CornerRadius="2" Padding="{OnPlatform Android=1, iOS=1, UWP=0}" Margin="{OnPlatform Android=1, iOS=1, UWP=0}" OutlineColor="White" HasShadow="{OnPlatform Android=true, iOS=false, UWP=true}"> <Grid Padding="{OnPlatform Android=2, iOS=2, UWP=0}" Margin="{OnPlatform Android=1, iOS=1, UWP=0}" BackgroundColor="White" > <expander:SfExpander x:Name="expander" HeaderIconPosition="None"> <expander:SfExpander.Behaviors> <local:EventToCommandBehavior Command="{Binding Path=BindingContext.ExpandingCommand, Source={x:Reference listView}}" EventName="Expanding" CommandParameter="{Binding .}"/> </expander:SfExpander.Behaviors> <expander:SfExpander.Header> ... </expander:SfExpander.Header> <expander:SfExpander.Content> ... </expander:SfExpander.Content> </expander:SfExpander> </Grid> </Frame> </DataTemplate> </sflistview:SfListView.ItemTemplate> </sflistview:SfListView>
Define the Command that is bound to the SfExpander.Expanding event.
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { private Command<Object> expandingCommand; public Command<object> ExpandingCommand { get { return expandingCommand; } set { expandingCommand = value; } } public ViewModel() { ExpandingCommand = new Command<object>(ExpandingCommandMethod); } private void ExpandingCommandMethod(object obj) { App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Alert!", "" + (obj as Contact).ContactName + " expanded", "Ok"); } }