How to style a header in the Flutter Calendar?
In the Flutter event calendar, you can style the header by using headerStyle property in the onViewChanged callback of the calendar.
In onViewChanged callback, style the calendar header by using CalendarHeaderStyle properties.
void viewChanged(ViewChangedDetails viewChangedDetails) { SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((duration) { var midDate = viewChangedDetails .visibleDates[viewChangedDetails.visibleDates.length ~/ 2]; setState(() { if(midDate.month %2==0) { _headerStyle = CalendarHeaderStyle( textAlign:, backgroundColor: Colors.lightGreen, textStyle: TextStyle( fontSize: 25, fontStyle: FontStyle.normal, letterSpacing: 5, color:, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500)); } else if (midDate.month %2 != 0) { _headerStyle = CalendarHeaderStyle( textAlign:, backgroundColor: Colors.purple, textStyle: TextStyle( fontSize: 25, fontStyle: FontStyle.normal, letterSpacing: 5, color:, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500)); } }); }); }
Assign those _headerStyle to headerStyle property of the calendar.
child: SfCalendar( view: CalendarView.month, onViewChanged: viewChanged, headerStyle: _headerStyle, ),
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