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Pressing the 'Delete' key in my application does not delete the nodes selected in the diagram. Why?

1 min read

Pressing the 'Delete' key in my application does not delete the nodes selected in the diagram. Why?

Deleting the selected nodes requires a call to the Diagram.Controller.Delete() method. The best way to go about this implementation is to use the approach demonstrated in the DiagramBuilder sample of providing a menu/toolbar command that calls the Delete() method when clicked, or in response to the 'Delete' key specified as the command item's shortcut. If your application requries only keyboard handling without a need for the menu/toolbar item, you could still retain the menu/toolbar item but keep it hidden thus availing of the shortcut support provided by the menuing framework. Another option would be to override the ProcessCmdKey(...) method in the Form or parent Control hosting the diagram and call the Diagram.Controller.Delete() method in response to the appropriate key press.

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