How to customize the title of Xamarin.Forms Charts
This article explains how to customize the Xamarin.Forms Chart’s title and its alignment changes. Read out this user guide to get a better understanding of creating Chart control in Xamarin.Forms with its step-by-step process.
Title of Xamarin.Forms Chart will be explaining the use cases of plotting. It has been customized by the following ways.
Alignment changes
Title alignment has been changed by using the TextAlignment property in ChartTitle. It also provide the customization option to change its style using the TextColor, FontSize, and FontAttributes.
<chart:SfChart HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"> <chart:SfChart.Title> <chart:ChartTitle Text="Monthly Revenue" TextColor="Blue" TextAlignment="End" FontAttributes="Italic" FontSize="20" /> </chart:SfChart.Title> <chart:SfChart.BindingContext> <local:ViewModel/> </chart:SfChart.BindingContext> <!--Horizontal axis declaration--> <chart:SfChart.PrimaryAxis> <chart:CategoryAxis LabelPlacement="BetweenTicks" ShowMajorGridLines="False"/> </chart:SfChart.PrimaryAxis> <!--Vertical axis declaration--> <chart:SfChart.SecondaryAxis> <chart:NumericalAxis PlotOffset="15" AxisLineStyle="{x:Null}" /> </chart:SfChart.SecondaryAxis> <!--Series declaration--> <chart:SfChart.Series> <chart:LineSeries Color="Blue" ItemsSource="{Binding ClimateData}" Label="Heights" XBindingPath="Month" YBindingPath="Temperature" /> </chart:SfChart.Series> <!--ZoomPan behavior declaration--> <chart:SfChart.ChartBehaviors> <chart:ChartZoomPanBehavior/> </chart:SfChart.ChartBehaviors> </chart:SfChart>
public class ViewModel { public ObservableCollection<ExportChartDataModel> ClimateData { get; set; } public ViewModel() { ClimateData = new ObservableCollection<ExportChartDataModel>(); ClimateData.Add(new ExportChartDataModel() { Month = "Jan", Temperature = 33 }); ClimateData.Add(new ExportChartDataModel() { Month = "Feb", Temperature = 37 }); ClimateData.Add(new ExportChartDataModel() { Month = "Mar", Temperature = 39 }); ClimateData.Add(new ExportChartDataModel() { Month = "Apr", Temperature = 43 }); ClimateData.Add(new ExportChartDataModel() { Month = "May", Temperature = 45 }); ClimateData.Add(new ExportChartDataModel() { Month = "Jun", Temperature = 43 }); ClimateData.Add(new ExportChartDataModel() { Month = "Jul", Temperature = 41 }); } } public class ExportChartDataModel { public string Month { get; set; } public double Temperature { get; set; } }
It supports to change its color and border by using the BorderWidth, BorderColor, and BackgroundColor properties.
<chart:SfChart> <chart:SfChart.Title> <chart:ChartTitle Text="Monthly Revenue" BackgroundColor="#64ccf4" BorderWidth="4" BorderColor="#faa9ff" TextColor="Black" FontAttributes="Italic" FontSize="20" /> </chart:SfChart.Title> <chart:SfChart.BindingContext> <local:ViewModel/> </chart:SfChart.BindingContext> … </chart:SfChart>
Multi-line title
It also provide the line break mode support for its title.
See also
How to customize Xamarin.Forms chart’s padding
How to add custom labels to the Xamarin.Forms chart’s axis
How to get smart axis labels arrangement in Xamarin.Forms chart