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How to create violin chart in WPF

3 mins read

A Violin Plot (Hybrid of Box Plot Chart) is used to visualize the distribution of the data and its probability density. WPF Charts provides support to draw violin basic model by customizing the  BoxAndWhiskerSeries segment rendering.


Basic Violin Plot

The following steps are explaining how to create a basic violin plot using the Box and Whisker Chart in WPF.

Step 1:  Create an extended Box Plot Series (BoxAndWhiskerSeriesExt) and override its default segment with an extended Box Plot (BoxAndWhiskerSegmentExt) Segment as shown below.


public class BoxAndWhiskerSeriesExt : BoxAndWhiskerSeries
        protected override ChartSegment CreateSegment()
            return new BoxAndWhiskerSegmentExt(this);


Step 2:  In extended Box Plot Segment involves the appearance changing by using the CreateVisual method which is used to create a violin path.


public class BoxAndWhiskerSegmentExt : BoxAndWhiskerSegment
        public override UIElement CreateVisual(Size size)
            var element = base.CreateVisual(size);
            violinPath = new Path()
                Tag = this,
                Stretch = Stretch.Fill,
            (element as Canvas).Children.Add(violinPath);
            return element;


Step3:  The Geometry path of the violin plot has been created and update as violinPath in the Update method as shown below.


public class BoxAndWhiskerSegmentExt : BoxAndWhiskerSegment
        public override void Update(IChartTransformer transformer)
            BoxAndWhiskerSegment baseSegment = this as BoxAndWhiskerSegment;
            //Right side path
            BezierSegment segment1 = new BezierSegment();
            segment1.Point1 = new Point(centerLinePosition, minimumPoint.Y + (extensionValue * 2));
            segment1.Point2 = new Point(tlPoint.X + (centerLinePosition - tlPoint.X) / 2 + extensionValue, brPoint.Y + (minimumPoint.Y - brPoint.Y) / 2);
            segment1.Point3 = new Point(tlPoint.X, brPoint.Y);
            PathGeometry geometry = new PathGeometry();
            violinPath.Data = geometry;


Step4: This is for finding how to define in XAML to get in visual.

<chart:SfChart x:Name="boxWhiskerChart" AreaBorderBrush="#8e8e8e" 
                       Background="White" Margin="10,20,20,20" 
                       VerticalAlignment="Bottom" AreaBorderThickness="0,1,1,1">
            <local:BoxAndWhiskerSeriesExt ItemsSource="{Binding BoxWhiskerData}"  
                                       XBindingPath="Department"   ShowOutlier="False"
                                       YBindingPath="Age" ShowTooltip="True"
                                       x:Name="boxSeries"   />


Basic violin plot in WPF Charts


View the complete sample in GitHub

Violin Plot Customization

To obtain the smooth edges and interior filling in the violin chart, use the pre-defined values for minimum, maximum, and median points with the provided SVG path as shown below.


public class BoxAndWhiskerSegmentExt : BoxAndWhiskerSegment
        public override void Update(IChartTransformer transformer)
            string data = "M " + maximumPoint.X + "," + maximumPoint.Y
                + " C " + (brPoint.X - (maximumPoint.X - tlPoint.X) / 2 - extensionValue) + "," + (tlPoint.Y - (tlPoint.Y - maximumPoint.Y) / 2)
                + " " + brPoint.X + "," + tlPoint.Y
                + " " + brPoint.X + "," + medianPoint.Y
                + " C " + brPoint.X + "," + brPoint.Y
                + " " + (brPoint.X - (centerLinePosition - tlPoint.X) / 2 - extensionValue) + "," + (brPoint.Y + (minimumPoint.Y - brPoint.Y) / 2)
                + " " + centerLinePosition + "," + (minimumPoint.Y + (extensionValue * 2))
                + " C " + (tlPoint.X + (centerLinePosition - tlPoint.X) / 2 + extensionValue) + "," + (brPoint.Y + (minimumPoint.Y - brPoint.Y) / 2)
                + " " + tlPoint.X + "," + brPoint.Y
                + " " + tlPoint.X + "," + medianPoint.Y
                + " C " + tlPoint.X + "," + tlPoint.Y
                + " " + (tlPoint.X + (maximumPoint.X - tlPoint.X) / 2 + extensionValue) + "," + (tlPoint.Y - (tlPoint.Y - maximumPoint.Y) / 2)
                + " " + maximumPoint.X + "," + maximumPoint.Y;
            violinPath.Data = Geometry.Parse(data);


Customization on Violin Plot Chart


View the complete sample in GitHub


See also

How to customize the default shape of any series with the required shapes

How to create the Tornado Chart in WPF Charts


How to customize the outlier of Box Plot in WPF Charts

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