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How do I add ports to my symbol?

1 min read

How do I add ports to my symbol?

The following code sample shows how the ports were added to the custom symbol (MySymbol)


private CirclePort        leftport; private CirclePort        rightport;
//Add these lines to MySymbol's Constructor
//Port locations leftport = new CirclePort(new PointF(0, this.Height / 2)); rightport = new CirclePort(new PointF(this.Width, this.Height / 2)); //Append CirlePorts to MySymbol AppendChild(leftport); AppendChild(rightport); //Make CenterPort visible this.CenterPort.Visible = true;


Private leftport As CirclePort Private rightport As CirclePort
'Add these lines to MySymbol's Constructor
'Port locations leftport = New CirclePort(New PointF(0, Me.Height / 2)) rightport = New CirclePort(New PointF(Me.Width, Me.Height / 2)) 'Append CirlePorts to MySymbol AppendChild(leftport) AppendChild(rightport) 'Make CenterPort visible Me.CenterPort.Visible = True


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