How to add the aggregate option functionalities in the column menu's feature
You can add the Aggregate option functionalities in the column menu's feature by using the Grid’s columnMenuItems property, Grid’s columnMenuOpen event, ListView control, and Dialog control.
This is explained in the following sample code,
<div class="content-wrapper"> <div id="target"> <div id="Grid"></div> <div id="dlgContent" style="visibility: hidden" class="dialogContent"> <div id="dlgContent1"></div> <div id="dlgContent2"></div> </div> <div id="dialog"></div> </div> </div> |
var grid = new ej.grids.Grid({ dataSource: window.orderDatas, allowSorting: true, allowFiltering: true, filterSettings: { type: 'Excel' }, allowPaging: true, columnMenuItems: [ 'AutoFitAll', 'AutoFit', 'SortAscending', 'SortDescending', 'Filter', { text: 'Aggregate', id: 'gridAggregate' }, 'ColumnChooser' ], columnMenuOpen: function (args) { //Grid’s columnMenuOpen event if ( && == 'Grid_columnmenu') { args.element.addEventListener('mouseover', function (e) { if ( == 'gridAggregate') { //Column menu Aggregate item element var dy =; var dx = +; (dialogObj.position = { X: dx, Y: dy }),; //Sshow the dialog component with the appropriate position while on mouse hovering. } else { dialogObj.hide(); } }); grid.element.addEventListener('mouseover', function (e) { dialogObj.hide(); }); } }, showColumnMenu: true, columns: [.....] }); grid.appendTo('#Grid'); var listData1 = [ { text: 'Sum of', id: 'Sum' }, { text: 'Average of', id: 'Average' } ]; // Initialize the ListView component for Aggregate Type list. var listObj1 = new ej.lists.ListView({ //Set the defined data to the data source property. dataSource: listData1, headerTitle: 'Types', showHeader: true, //Set true to enable CheckBox. showCheckBox: true });
//Render the initialized ListView component. listObj1.appendTo('#dlgContent1');
//Grid's numeric column list. var listObj2 = new ej.lists.ListView({ dataSource: [], headerTitle: 'Columns', showHeader: true, showCheckBox: true });
//Render the initialized ListView component for numeric column list. listObj2.appendTo('#dlgContent2');
//Dialog component var dialogObj = new ej.popups.Dialog({ header: 'Aggregate', content: document.getElementById('dlgContent'), buttons: [ { buttonModel: { isPrimary: true, content: 'Ok' }, click: btnClick1 } ], target: document.body, height: 'auto', width: '200px', visible: false, closeOnEscape: true, beforeOpen: onBeforeopen }); dialogObj.appendTo('#dialog');
var flag = true; function onBeforeopen() { //Ddialog's onBeforeopen event if (flag) { var listObj2Data = []; grid.columns.forEach(columns); function columns(items) { if (items.type == 'number') { var lData = { text: '', id: '' }; lData.text = items.headerText; = items.field; listObj2Data.push(lData); } } listObj2.dataSource = listObj2Data; // Bbind the Grid's numeric columns list. flag = false; } document.getElementById('dlgContent').style.visibility = 'visible'; } function btnClick1() { //dDialog's ok button click function //Hhere, we perreform the Grid's aggregate action manually with the selected type and column in the list. var aType = listObj1.getSelectedItems().data; var aColumn = listObj2.getSelectedItems().data; var aggregate = []; for (var j = 0; j < aType.length; j++) { var firstLevelObj = { columns: [] };
for (var i = 0; i < aColumn.length; i++) { var secondLevelObj = { type: '', field: '', footerTemplate: 'Sum: ${Sum}' }; secondLevelObj.field = aColumn[i].id; secondLevelObj.type = aType[j].id; secondLevelObj.footerTemplate = aType[j].id + ': ${' + aType[j].id + '}'; firstLevelObj.columns.push(secondLevelObj); } aggregate.push(firstLevelObj); } grid.aggregates = aggregate; dialogObj.hide(); } |
You can find the samples here: