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How to load the appointment from json to calendar with loadMoreWidgetBuilder
1 min read
In the Flutter Calendar, the appointment can be showed from json and loaded it to the calendar by using loadMoreWidgetBuilder.
STEP 1: In initState(), initialize the default values.
MeetingDataSource _events = MeetingDataSource(<_Meeting>[]); @override void initState() { super.initState(); }
STEP 2: Define the calendar with the loadMoreWidgetBuilder.
child: SfCalendar( initialDisplayDate: DateTime(2017, 05, 01), view: CalendarView.month, allowedViews: [, CalendarView.week, CalendarView.workWeek, CalendarView.month, CalendarView.timelineDay, CalendarView.timelineWeek, CalendarView.timelineWorkWeek, CalendarView.timelineMonth, CalendarView.schedule, ], dataSource: _events, loadMoreWidgetBuilder: loadMoreWidget, ) Widget loadMoreWidget( BuildContext context, LoadMoreCallback loadMoreAppointments) { return FutureBuilder<void>( initialData: 'loading', future: loadMoreAppointments(), builder: (context, snapShot) { return Container( alignment:, child: CircularProgressIndicator()); }, ); }
STEP 3: The handleLoadMore handles the appointment from the json data and loads it to the Flutter calendar.
class MeetingDataSource extends CalendarDataSource { MeetingDataSource(this.source); List<_Meeting> source; @override List<dynamic> get appointments => source; @override DateTime getStartTime(int index) { return source[index].from; } @override DateTime getEndTime(int index) { return source[index].to; } @override bool isAllDay(int index) { return source[index].isAllDay; } @override String getSubject(int index) { return source[index].eventName; } @override Color getColor(int index) { return source[index].background; } @override Future<void> handleLoadMore(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) async { await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1)); http.Response data = await http.get(Uri.parse( "")); dynamic jsonData = json.decode(data.body); final List<_Meeting> appointmentData = []; for (dynamic data in jsonData) { _Meeting meetingData = _Meeting( data['Subject'], _convertDateFromString( data['StartTime'], ), _convertDateFromString(data['EndTime']),, data['AllDay']); appointmentData.add(meetingData); } appointments.addAll(appointmentData); notifyListeners(CalendarDataSourceAction.add, appointmentData); } DateTime _convertDateFromString(String date) { return DateTime.parse(date); } }