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How to load image with embedded and from URL in RichTextEditor?
3 mins read
This article explains to load images from URL and embedded resource in the SfRichTextEditor.
Step 1:
Create a SfRichTextEditor sample with all the necessary assemblies. Refer to this Getting started documentation to create a simple SfRichTextEditor sample and configure it.
Step 2:
Use the ImageInserted event to track the image button click event from the toolbar in the SfRichTextEditor.
<rte:SfRichTextEditor x:Name="RTE" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" ImageInserted="RTE_ImageInserted"/>
Step 3:
Attach the method for image inserted event to track the image button click from the toolbar.
Load image from Embedded resource:
private void RTE_ImageInserted(object sender, Syncfusion.XForms.RichTextEditor.ImageInsertedEventArgs e) { Syncfusion.XForms.RichTextEditor.ImageSource imgSrc = new Syncfusion.XForms.RichTextEditor.ImageSource(); Assembly assembly = typeof(MainPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly; //Load an Image from the application with the embedded resource. Stream image = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("ImageRTE.Image.png"); imgSrc.ImageStream = image; imgSrc.SaveOption = ImageSaveOption.Base64; RTE.InsertImage(imgSrc); }
Load Image from URL:
private void RTE_ImageInserted(object sender, Syncfusion.XForms.RichTextEditor.ImageInsertedEventArgs e) { Syncfusion.XForms.RichTextEditor.ImageSource imgSrc = new Syncfusion.XForms.RichTextEditor.ImageSource(); //Load Image from URL var webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] imageBytes = webClient.DownloadData(""); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes); stream.Position = 0; imgSrc.ImageStream = stream; imgSrc.SaveOption = ImageSaveOption.Base64; RTE.InsertImage(imgSrc); }
The sample that explains how to load the image using the ImageInserted event in the Rich Text Editor text can be downloaded here.