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How to display Chart Tooltips?

1 min read


Tooltips can be displayed by setting ShowTooltips to true. By default, Tooltips displays the Y value of the series. To display the user defined text as tooltips, we need to set PointsToolTipFormat = "{1}".

Tooltips can be set to ChartArea also. This can be done using ChartAreaToolTip property.


this.chartControl1.ShowToolTips = true;

// Chart Area Tooltips

this.chartControl1.ChartArea.ChartAreaToolTip = "Chart Area";

// Series points Tooltips

series1.PointsToolTipFormat = "{1}";

series1.Style.ToolTip = "Series1";


Me.ChartControl1.ShowToolTips = True

' Chart Area Tooltips

Me.ChartControl1.ChartArea.ChartAreaToolTip = "Chart Area"

' Series points Tooltips

series1.PointsToolTipFormat = "{1}"

series1.Style.ToolTip = "Series1"

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