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How to resolve HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error?

1 min read

Syncfusion Report Server version 4.1 comes with a User Management Server, which is a separate application for managing users and applications. To learn more about User Management Server, click here.

Both Report Server and User Management Server functions based on anonymous authentication and Windows authentication mechanisms when hosted in IIS manually. When you browse the applications, if you face ‘HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error ‘, check whether the following settings have been done in IIS.

Settings to be enabled

  1. In IIS, select the machine name and choose Configuration Editor.

select configuration editor

  1. In Configuration Editor, select anonymous authentication and unlock it as follows.

Configuration Editor-select anonymous authentication

  1. Also, Select Windows Authentication and unlock it.

Configuration Editor select windows Authentication

This will enable the authentications required to run both the Report Server and User Management in IIS.

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