How to design a bullet chart using the .NET MAUI Linear Gauge (SfLinearGauge)?
This article describes how to design a Bullet Chart using the Syncfusion .NET MAUI Linear Gauge control.
Step 1: Create the SfLinearGauge control by referring to this getting started link.
Step 2: To display the quantitative scale, set the Maximum, Interval and MinorTicksPerInterval properties as shown in the following code sample.
<gauge:SfLinearGauge Maximum="10" Interval="2" VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Center" MinorTicksPerInterval="3"> </gauge:SfLinearGauge>
Step 2: Customize the quantitative scale height by setting the Thickness of the LineStyle as shown in the following code sample.
<gauge:SfLinearGauge.LineStyle> <gauge:LinearLineStyle Thickness="30" /> </gauge:SfLinearGauge.LineStyle>
Step 3: To customize the major and minor ticks, use MajorTickStyle and MinorTickStyle as shown in the following code sample.
<gauge:SfLinearGauge.MajorTickStyle> <gauge:LinearTickStyle Length="15" /> </gauge:SfLinearGauge.MajorTickStyle> <gauge:SfLinearGauge.MinorTickStyle> <gauge:LinearTickStyle Length="10" /> </gauge:SfLinearGauge.MinorTickStyle>
Step 4: To display the different qualitative range, add the multiple LinearRange as shown in the below code sample.
<gauge:SfLinearGauge.Ranges> <gauge:LinearRange EndValue="4" Fill="Red" Position="Cross" StartWidth="30" EndWidth="30" /> <gauge:LinearRange StartValue="4" Fill="yellow" EndValue="8" Position="Cross" StartWidth="30" EndWidth="30" /> <gauge:LinearRange StartValue="8" Fill="green" EndValue="10" Position="Cross" StartWidth="30" EndWidth="30" /> </gauge:SfLinearGauge.Ranges>
Step 5: To display the featured measure, use the BarPointer as shown in the following code sample.
<gauge:SfLinearGauge.BarPointers> <gauge:BarPointer Value="5" PointerSize="12" Fill="black" /> </gauge:SfLinearGauge.BarPointers>
Step 6: We can use the LinearShapePointer to display a comparative measure of the bullet chart.
<gauge:SfLinearGauge.MarkerPointers> <gauge:LinearShapePointer Value="7" ShapeType="Rectangle" ShapeHeight="20" ShapeWidth="5" Fill="black" Position="Cross" /> </gauge:SfLinearGauge.MarkerPointers>
Step 7: To show the header for the bullet chart, use the LinearContentPointer as shown in the following code sample.
<gauge:LinearContentPointer Value="0" OffsetX="-10" OffsetY="35" Alignment="Start"> <gauge:LinearContentPointer.Content> <VerticalStackLayout Margin="0,0,10,0"> <Label Text="Revenue YTD" HorizontalOptions="Center" /> <Label Text="$ in Thousands" /> </VerticalStackLayout> </gauge:LinearContentPointer.Content> </gauge:LinearContentPointer>
View sample in the GitHub.
See also
How to customize the shape pointer?
How to customize the bar pointer?
How to customize the content pointer?