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How to add cascading menu items to the context menu in WinForms SyntaxEditor (EditControl)?

1 min read

Cascading menu

The context menu in Essential Edit can be populated with cascading menu items by handling the MenuFill event and adding the menu items to the IContextMenuProvider object associated with the EditControl as shown in code below.


private void editControl1_MenuFill(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    ContextMenuManager cmm = sender as ContextMenuManager;
    // Add a menu item to the context menu
    cmm.AddMenuItem("Bookmarks",new EventHandler(ToggleBookmark));
    // Add child menu items to the earlier menu item
    IContextMenuProvider contextMenuProvider =  this.editControl1.ContextMenuManager.ContextMenuProvider as IContextMenuProvider;
    contextMenuProvider.AddContextMenuItem("Bookmarks","Toggle Bookmarks",new EventHandler(ToggleBookmark));
    contextMenuProvider.AddContextMenuItem("Bookmarks","Clear Bookmarks",new EventHandler(ClearBookmarks));
    // Add a second level of child menu items to the earlier child menu item
    contextMenuProvider.AddContextMenuItem("Clear Bookmarks", "ClearAll", new EventHandler(ClearAllBookmarks));
    contextMenuProvider.AddContextMenuItem("Clear Bookmarks", "Clear", new EventHandler(ClearBookmark));



Private Sub editControl1_MenuFill(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles editControl1.MenuFill
    Dim cmm As ContextMenuManager = sender
    ' Add a menu item to the context menu
    cmm.AddMenuItem("Bookmarks", New EventHandler(AddressOf ToggleBookmark))
    ' Add child menu items to the earlier menu item
    Dim contextMenuProvider As IContextMenuProvider =  Me.editControl1.ContextMenuManager.ContextMenuProvider
    contextMenuProvider.AddContextMenuItem("Bookmarks", "Toggle Bookmarks", New EventHandler(AddressOf ToggleBookmark))
    contextMenuProvider.AddContextMenuItem("Bookmarks", "Clear Bookmarks", New EventHandler(AddressOf ClearBookmarks))
    ' Add a second level of child menu items to the earlier child menu item
contextMenuProvider.AddContextMenuItem("Clear Bookmarks", "ClearAll", New  EventHandler(AddressOf ClearAllBookmarks))
    contextMenuProvider.AddContextMenuItem("Clear Bookmarks", "Clear", New EventHandler(AddressOf ClearBookmark))
End Sub 'editControl1_MenuFill


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