How to customize the SfMaskedEdit with rounded corner in WPF?
This article provides a step-by-step guide on customizing the WPF MaskedEdit control to achieve a polished appearance with rounded corners.
Step 1: Define a Custom Style
In your XAML resource section, define a custom SfMaskedEdit style with a unique key, such as “CustomMaskedEditStyle.” This style overrides the default template, allowing you to modify the corner radius of the border.
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Syncfusion.SfInput.WPF;component/Themes/Generic.xaml" />
<Style x:Key="CustomMaskedEditStyle" TargetType="syncfusion:SfMaskedEdit" BasedOn="{StaticResource MaskedEditStyle}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type syncfusion:SfMaskedEdit}">
<Border CornerRadius="10" Background="{TemplateBinding Background}" BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}" BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}">
<ScrollViewer x:Name="PART_ContentHost"/>
Step 2: Apply the Custom Style
Apply the custom SfMaskedEdit style to the SfMaskedEdit control in your XAML.
<syncfusion:SfMaskedEdit Mask="-?\d+\.?\d*"
MaskType="RegEx" Width="100" Height="25"
Name="sfMaskedEdit" Style="{StaticResource CustomMaskedEditStyle}"/>
Hope you enjoyed learning about how to customize the SfMaskedEdit with rounded corner in WPF.
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