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How to apply custom styles to the drill-through grid column headers in JavaScript Pivot Table?

2 mins read

In certain scenarios, you might want to personalize the appearance of your drill-through grid column headers to enhance readability and improve the presentation of data. This article explains how to apply custom styles to the drill-through grid column headers in the JavaScript Pivot Table.

Customizing drill through grid column headers style:

To customize the styles of the drill through grid column headers, you can target the built-in CSS classes associated with these header cells. Here’s an example of how you can change the font color and font family of the drill through grid column headers.


.e-drillthrough-grid.e-grid .e-gridheader {
    color: red !important;
    font-family: cursive;

In the code snippet above, we are targeting the CSS class .e-gridheader within the .e-drillthrough-grid container. Inside the curly braces, we are setting the color property to red and modifying the font-family to cursive. By applying these styles, you can easily personalize the appearance of drill-through grid column headers.

Note: By adding “!important” to the style rule, you’re ensuring that this custom style takes precedence over any existing styles.

The following screenshot portrays the results of the code snippet mentioned above.



For a practical example of this code in action, you can refer to the following Sample in Stackblitz


I hope you enjoyed learning how to apply custom styles to the drill-through grid column headers in Pivot Table.

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