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Helper class to support percentage sizing in GridControl/GridDataBoundGrid

7 mins read


The sample below has a helper class which, supports the automatic sizing in both a GridControl or GridDataBoundGrid in two ways. One way, which, is referred to as proportional sizing, is where all columns in the grid are equally sized. The other technique which, is referred to as percentage sizing, will allow you to specifiy that certain columns should occupy certain percentages of the available space for these columns.

For an example of percentage sizing, assume that you have 5 columns in a grid. You can specify that column 5 must occupy 40% of the available space, and columns 1 and 2 must occupy 25% each of the available space. In this case, the helper class will take sum of the widths of the columns 1, 2, and 5. Widths are calculated based on percentage mentioned with the modified clientwidth. ie. Column 0 is kept undisturbed. It will then subtract this sum from the clientwidth. This will give the total space that is available for columns 3 and 4 which, would be 5% for each. In this manner, the columns will exactly occupy the client width of the grid.

WireGrid and UnwireGrid are methods that are used to enable the sizing helper class. Proportional sizing is achieved using the QueryColWidth event. Percentage sizing will explicilty set the ColWidth[index] property for each column.


public class GridColSizingHelper


private GridControlBase grid;

public GridColSizingHelper(){}

public bool WireGrid(GridControlBase grid, Hashtable ht)


int temp = 0;

this.colPWidths = ht;

for(int i = 1; i <= grid.Model.ColCount; ++i)



temp += int.Parse(colPWidths[i].ToString());


// temp > 100 - unmodified column count

if( temp > 100-(grid.Model.ColCount - colPWidths.Count))

return false;

if(this.grid != null)


this.grid = grid;


this.grid.ResizingColumns += new GridResizingColumnsEventHandler(grid_ResizingColumns);


return true;


bool WireGridFlag;

public void WireGrid(GridControlBase grid)


if(this.grid != null)


this.grid = grid;

grid.Model.Options.SmoothControlResize = false;

this.grid.Model.QueryColWidth += new GridRowColSizeEventHandler(Model_QueryColWidth);

this.grid.ResizingColumns += new GridResizingColumnsEventHandler(grid_ResizingColumns);


WireGridFlag = true;



public void UnwireGrid()


if(this.grid != null)


this.grid.ResizingColumns -= new GridResizingColumnsEventHandler(grid_ResizingColumns);

this.grid.Model.QueryColWidth -= new GridRowColSizeEventHandler(Model_QueryColWidth);



this.grid = null;



int clientsize, remainingSize;

private void Model_QueryColWidth(object sender, GridRowColSizeEventArgs e)


if(e.Index > grid.Model.Cols.HeaderCount)


//clientsize = ClientSize - Row Headers

this.clientsize = grid.ClientSize.Width - grid.Model.ColWidths.GetTotal(0, this.grid.Model.Cols.HeaderCount);

e.Size = (int)clientsize / grid.Model.ColCount;

e.Handled = true;



public void TurnOffProportion()




this.grid.Model.QueryColWidth -= new GridRowColSizeEventHandler(Model_QueryColWidth);

WireGridFlag = false;




public void TurnOnPercentages()




int totalPercentSize = 0;

this.clientsize = grid.ClientSize.Width - grid.Model.ColWidths.GetTotal(0, this.grid.Model.Cols.HeaderCount);

for(int i = 1; i <= grid.Model.ColCount; ++i)



totalPercentSize += (int)clientsize * int.Parse(colPWidths[i].ToString())/100;


remainingSize =(int)(clientsize - totalPercentSize)/(grid.Model.ColCount - colPWidths.Count);

// Setting the column widths from Hashtable passed through WireGrid

for(int i = 1; i <= grid.Model.ColCount; ++i)



grid.Model.ColWidths[i] = (int)clientsize * int.Parse(colPWidths[i].ToString())/100;


grid.Model.ColWidths[i] = remainingSize;





MessageBox.Show("Make sure the Grid is wired before calling TurnOnPercentages()");




private GridColSizingHelper Helper1;

private GridColSizingHelper Helper2;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


// There is a condition check in accepting hashtable values

// ie.. the total of values passed must not be greater than (100 - Unmodified Column count)

ht = new Hashtable();




// Attempts like using unwanted keys are not encouraged because count is being used


Helper1 = new GridColSizingHelper();

Helper2 = new GridColSizingHelper();


this.gridDataBoundGrid1.AllowResizeToFit = false;




Public Class GridColSizingHelper

Private grid As GridControlBase

Public Sub New()

End Sub

Public Function WireGrid(ByVal grid As GridControlBase, ByVal ht As Hashtable) As Boolean

Dim temp As Integer = 0

Me.colPWidths = ht

For i As Integer = 1 To grid.Model.ColCount

If colPWidths.ContainsKey(i) Then

temp += Integer.Parse(colPWidths(i).ToString())

End If

Next i

' temp > 100 - unmodified column count

If temp > 100-(grid.Model.ColCount - colPWidths.Count) Then

Return False

End If

If Not Me.grid Is Nothing Then


End If

Me.grid = grid


AddHandler grid.ResizingColumns, AddressOf grid_ResizingColumns


Return True

End Function

Private WireGridFlag As Boolean

Public Sub WireGrid(ByVal grid As GridControlBase)

If Not Me.grid Is Nothing Then


End If

Me.grid = grid

grid.Model.Options.SmoothControlResize = False

AddHandler grid.Model.QueryColWidth, AddressOf Model_QueryColWidth

AddHandler grid.ResizingColumns, AddressOf grid_ResizingColumns


WireGridFlag = True


End Sub

Public Sub UnwireGrid()

If Not Me.grid Is Nothing Then

RemoveHandler grid.ResizingColumns, AddressOf grid_ResizingColumns

RemoveHandler grid.Model.QueryColWidth, AddressOf Model_QueryColWidth



Me.grid = Nothing

End If

End Sub

Private clientsize, remainingSize As Integer

Private Sub Model_QueryColWidth(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridRowColSizeEventArgs)

If e.Index > grid.Model.Cols.HeaderCount Then

'clientsize = ClientSize - Row Headers

Me.clientsize = grid.ClientSize.Width - grid.Model.ColWidths.GetTotal(0, Me.grid.Model.Cols.HeaderCount)

e.Size = CInt(Fix(clientsize)) / grid.Model.ColCount

e.Handled = True

End If

End Sub

Public Sub TurnOffProportion()

If WireGridFlag Then

RemoveHandler grid.Model.QueryColWidth, AddressOf Model_QueryColWidth

WireGridFlag = False

End If

End Sub

Public Sub TurnOnPercentages()


Dim totalPercentSize As Integer = 0

Me.clientsize = grid.ClientSize.Width - grid.Model.ColWidths.GetTotal(0, Me.grid.Model.Cols.HeaderCount)

For i As Integer = 1 To grid.Model.ColCount

If colPWidths.ContainsKey(i) Then

totalPercentSize += CInt(Fix(clientsize)) * Integer.Parse(colPWidths(i).ToString())/100

End If

Next i

remainingSize =CInt(Fix(clientsize - totalPercentSize))/(grid.Model.ColCount - colPWidths.Count)

' Setting the column widths from Hashtable passed through WireGrid

For i As Integer = 1 To grid.Model.ColCount

If colPWidths.ContainsKey(i) Then

grid.Model.ColWidths(i) = CInt(Fix(clientsize)) * Integer.Parse(colPWidths(i).ToString())/100


grid.Model.ColWidths(i) = remainingSize

End If

Next i


MessageBox.Show("Make sure the Grid is wired before calling TurnOnPercentages()")

End Try

End Sub

End Class

Private Helper1 As GridColSizingHelper

Private Helper2 As GridColSizingHelper

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

' There is a condition check in accepting hashtable values

' ie.. the total of values passed must not be greater than (100 - Unmodified Column count)

ht = New Hashtable()




' Attempts like using unwanted keys are not encouraged because count is being used


Helper1 = New GridColSizingHelper()

Helper2 = New GridColSizingHelper()


Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.AllowResizeToFit = False


End Sub

Here is a sample that illustrates this:

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