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How to Restrict Node is being removed from its Parent Container when Dragging in WPF Diagram (SfDiagram)

3 mins read

WPF Diagram (SfDiagram) supports restricting the Node is being removed from its parent container. This can be achieved by using NodeChangedEvent. We have provided a sample to achieve this requirement.

In the code sample below, we have used the CustomNodeVM class with the ParentContainer property, representing the node’s parent container. The value for ParentContainer will be set using ItemAddedEvent. In the NodeChangedEvent, we have used BoundaryConstraints property to achieve this requirement.

code Snippet:

//Adding Item Added Event. Here diagram is an instance of the SfDiagram.
(diagram.Info as IGraphInfo).ItemAdded += MainWindow_ItemAdded;

//Adding Node Changed Event.
(diagram.Info as IGraphInfo).NodeChangedEvent += MainWindow_NodeChangedEvent;

// Method for executing the item added event.
private void MainWindow_ItemAdded(object sender, ItemAddedEventArgs args)
   if (args.Item is ContainerViewModel)
       var container = (ContainerViewModel)args.Item;
       if ((container.Nodes as IEnumerable<object>).Any())
           foreach (var item in container.Nodes as IEnumerable<object>)
               var node = item as CustomNodeVM;
               //setting parent container to the nodes.
               node.ParentContainer = container;

//Method for executing the node changed event.
private void MainWindow_NodeChangedEvent(object sender, ChangeEventArgs<object, NodeChangedEventArgs> args)
   //Setting boundary constraint to node when it is dragging to restrict nodes dragging outside of the container.
   if (args.Item is CustomNodeVM && !(args.Item is ContainerViewModel))
       var node = args.Item as CustomNodeVM;
       if (node.ParentContainer != null && args.NewValue.InteractionState == NodeChangedInteractionState.Dragging)
           ContainerViewModel parentcontainer = node.ParentContainer as ContainerViewModel;
           Rect parentContainerBounds = (parentcontainer.Info as IContainerInfo).Bounds;
           //Setting Node’s parent container bounds region value to BoundaryConstraint property.
           args.BoundaryConstraints = new Rect(parentContainerBounds.Left + 5, parentContainerBounds.Top + 45,
           parentContainerBounds.Width - 10, parentContainerBounds.Height - 50);


View Sample in GitHub

I hope you enjoyed learning how to restrict a node from being removed from its parent container when dragging it into the WPF Diagram (SfDiagram).
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