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How to avoid the Error message: Failed to map the path '/Syncfusion/Resources/GroupingGridWeb/Scripts/'?

4 mins read


The above error occurs when there is no Syncfusion virtual directory or the using Web Server is a part of VS.NET 2005.

Kindly have a look at the Installation - Behind the scenes section of the Essential Grid for ASP.NET Users Guide available here.

Note that the GridControl expects the scripts and images virtual IIS directory under the /Syncfusion/Resources/GroupingGridWeb directory. Since you are using the 2.0 Framework delete the default ImageFilesPath and ScriptFilesPath property settings (it should be empty in the property settings) to address this issue for now. We are making changes to take advantange of how scripts and resources are handled in the 2.0 Framework and it will be seamless in the 4.0 release of Essential Studio.

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