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How to control the 'ColumnHeader' from assuming different sizes?

1 min read

There are two ways to prevent the column headers from assuming different sizes.

1) By setting the 'WrapText' of the AnyHeaderCell to false.


this.GridGroupingControl1.Appearance.AnyHeaderCell.WrapText = false;


Me.GridGroupingControl1.Appearance.AnyHeaderCell.WrapText = false

2) By specifying the height of the column header.


//Specify the height of the column header. This will prevent the column headers from assuming different sizes.

this.GridGroupingControl1.TableOptions.ColumnHeaderRowHeight = 60;


' Specify the height of the column header. This will prevent the column headers from assuming different sizes.

Me.GridGroupingControl1.TableOptions.ColumnHeaderRowHeight = 60

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