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How to implement static data sources in web pages to avoid hitting the database on every postback?

1 min read


Sometimes, when developing Web applications with ASP.NET, you may require to use a small amount of data repeatedly throughout the life of the application and further, such data is shared among users accessing your application.

Let's say a dataset created in designer points to the DataSetCustomers schema.


//Defining object for the existing dataset

private static Namespace.DataSetCustomers dataSet11 = null;

 // Initializing a static datasource based on the datasource created in the designer.

public static Namespace.DataSetCustomers GetDataSet(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter adapter, Namespace.DataSetCustomers defaultDataSet)


    if(dataSet11 == null)


        dataSet11 = new Namespace.DataSetCustomers();


dataSet11.DataSetName = defaultDataSet.DataSetName;

dataSet11.EnforceConstraints = defaultDataSet.EnforceConstraints;

dataSet11.Locale = defaultDataSet.Locale;




return dataSet11;



  //Filling a DataAdapter using static datasource. Instead of filling a DataAdapter with the dataset created in the designer, you can use the static data source.


//Using a static datasource, changes made to the dataset will be preserved across postback.

 this.dataSetCustomers1 = GetDataSet(this.oleDbDataAdapter1, this.dataSetCustomers1);


'Defining object for the existing dataset

Private Shared dataSet11 As Namespace.DataSetCustomers = Nothing

' Initializing a static datasource based on the datasource created in the designer.

Public Shared Function GetDataSet(ByVal adapter As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter, ByVal defaultDataSet As Namespace.DataSetCustomers) As Namespace.DataSetCustomers

 If dataSet11 Is Nothing Then

  dataSet11 = New Namespace.DataSetCustomers()

  CType(dataSet11, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()

  dataSet11.DataSetName = defaultDataSet.DataSetName

  dataSet11.EnforceConstraints = defaultDataSet.EnforceConstraints

  dataSet11.Locale = defaultDataSet.Locale

  CType(dataSet11, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()


 End If

Return dataSet11

End Function

#End Region

'Filling a DataAdapter using static datasource. Instead of filling a DataAdapter with the dataset created in the designer, you can use the static data source.


'Using a static datasource, changes made to the dataset will be preserved across postback.

Private Me.dataSetCustomers1 = GetDataSet(Me.oleDbDataAdapter1, Me.dataSetCustomers1)


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