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How to prevent opening context menu in Ubuntu OS in Angular Diagram

1 min read

In the Syncfusion® Angular Diagram component, Diagram provides some default context menu items to ease the execution of some frequently used commands.

In a graphical user interface (GUI), a context menu is a type of menu that appears when you perform a right-click operation.

The Diagram feature provides built-in context menu items and allows users to define custom menu items through the contextMenuSettings property. The show property enables or disables the context menu.

To restrict the opening of the context menu, you can handle conditions within the contextMenuOpen event. This event is triggered when the context menu is about to open. You can show or hide specific context menu items based on certain conditions in this event.

However, on Ubuntu OS, due to the operating system’s behavior, restricting the context menu opening is not straightforward. To address this, you can use the condition args.event?.type === ‘click’ in the event handler. This condition prevents the Diagram context menu from opening when a click event occurs.


<ejs-diagram #diagram id="diagram" width="100%" height="580px [contextMenuSettings]="contextMenuSettings"  (contextMenuOpen)="contextMenuOpen($event)" (contextMenuClick)="contextMenuClick($event)"> </ejs-diagram> 


public contextMenuOpen(args: any): void {
   if (args.event === null || args.event?.type == 'contextmenu' || args.event?.button === 2 || args.event?.button === 'Right' || args.event?.type === 'click') {
     args.cancel = true;



I hope you enjoyed learning about how to prevent context menu in Angular Diagram.
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