How to use the Magnifier control in the WPF Diagram (SfDiagram)?
The Magnifier control in WPF, allows you to easily implement a magnification feature that enhances the visibility of diagram content in applications. You can easily customize the magnifier’s frame and adjust the zoom factor according to your requirements. To enable the magnifier, set its TargetElement property to the SfDiagram instance. Once configured, the magnifier enables zooming within the specified diagram area for improved content inspection and navigation.
Code Snippet :
Magnifier magnifier = new Magnifier();
magnifier.FrameType = FrameType.Circle;
magnifier.ZoomFactor = 0.3;
magnifier.FrameBackground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
//Here diagram is the instance of the SfDiagram.
magnifier.TargetElement = diagram;
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