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How to Add and Customize Multiple Trackballs in WPF Chart?

8 mins read

This article provides a detailed walkthrough on how to add multiple trackballs in an WPF Chart in WPF, allowing you to hover over the trackball with your mouse and move them independently to view the information of different data points simultaneously.

Learn step-by-step instructions and gain insights to add multiple trackballs in a WPF SfChart.

Step 1: Initialize the SfChart with primary and secondary axes. For more detailed steps, refer to the WPF Charts documentation.



   <chart:SfChart x:Name="chart">



       <chart:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" 
                         YBindingPath="CPULoad" >


Step 2: Create a custom ChartTrackBallBehaviorExt class, which is inherited from ChartTrackballBehavior.


public class ChartTrackBallBehaviorExt : ChartTrackBallBehavior


Step 3: Create instances of ChartTrackBallBehaviorExt, and add them to the Behaviors collection, assigning specific names to each.


   <local:ChartTrackBallBehaviorExt x:Name="trackball1"/>
   <local:ChartTrackBallBehaviorExt x:Name="trackball2"/>

Step 4: Implement the ChartTrackBallBehaviorExt class and its functionalities. Include the Display method, which is responsible for displaying the trackball at specified coordinates by setting the IsActivated protected property of the ChartTrackBallBehavior class. Manage multiple trackballs by overriding mouse event handlers in ChartTrackBallBehavior, using the FindNearestTrackball method in OnMouseEnter to locate the closest trackball. The isTrackballActive variable ensures only the active trackball responds to the events.

public class ChartTrackBallBehaviorExt : ChartTrackBallBehavior
   private bool isTrackballActive = false;

   public SfChart? SfChart { get; set; }

   public double X { get; set; }
   public double Y { get; set; }

   protected override void OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs e)
       // Get the position of the mouse pointer
       var touchPoint = e.GetPosition(null);

       // Find the nearest trackball to the mouse pointer
       var trackball = FindNearestTrackball(touchPoint);

       // Activate the trackball if it is the nearest one
       if (trackball == this)
           isTrackballActive = true;

   protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
       // Check if the trackball is activated
       if (isTrackballActive)
           // Get the position of the mouse pointer
           var touchPoint = e.GetPosition(null);

           // Display the trackball at the current mouse position
           Display((float)touchPoint.X, (float)touchPoint.Y);

   protected override void OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs e)
       // Deactivate the trackball
       isTrackballActive = false;

   private ChartTrackBallBehavior FindNearestTrackball(Point touchPoint)
       ChartTrackBallBehavior nearestTrackball = new ChartTrackBallBehaviorExt();
       double minDistance = double.MaxValue;

       // Iterate through all trackball behaviors to find the nearest one
       if (SfChart != null)
           foreach (var trackballBehaviour in SfChart.Behaviors)
               if (trackballBehaviour is ChartTrackBallBehaviorExt trackball)
                   // Calculate the distance between the trackball and the touch point 
                   double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(trackball.X - touchPoint.X, 2) + Math.Pow(trackball.Y - touchPoint.Y, 2));

                   // Update the nearest trackball if the current one is closer
                   if (distance < minDistance)
                       minDistance = distance;
                       nearestTrackball = trackball;
       return nearestTrackball;

   public void Display(float x, float y)
       X = x; Y = y;
       IsActivated = true;
       var point = new Point(x, y);

       // Set the internal property for the current point
       SetInternalProperty(typeof(ChartTrackBallBehavior), this, point, "CurrentPoint");

       // Trigger the pointer position changed event

       // Activate the trackball
       InvokeInternalMethod(typeof(ChartTrackBallBehavior), this, "Activate", IsActivated);

   // Sets an internal property of an object using reflection.
   internal static void SetInternalProperty(Type type, object obj, object value, string propertyName)
       var properties = type.GetRuntimeProperties();

       foreach (var item in properties)
           if (item.Name == propertyName)
               item.SetValue(obj, value);

   // Invokes an internal method of an object using reflection.
   internal static object? InvokeInternalMethod(Type type, object obj, string methodName, params object[] args)
       var method = type.GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredMethod(methodName);
       return method?.Invoke(obj, args);

Step 5: Assign the chart instance to the SfChart property in the ChartTrackBallBehaviorExt class, and override the OnContentRendered method to run an asynchronous task that calls ShowTrackball method.

The ShowTrackball method calculates the positions and displays the trackballs on the chart.

public partial class MainWindow : Window
   public MainWindow()
       trackball1.SfChart = this.chart;
       trackball2.SfChart = this.chart;

   protected override void OnContentRendered(EventArgs e)

       // Run the ShowTrackball method asynchronously
       Task.Run(async () =>
           await ShowTrackball();

   async Task ShowTrackball()
       // Wait for 1 second before executing the rest of the method
       await Task.Delay(1000);
       Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
           // Calculated positions for the first trackball
           float xPosition = (float)chart.ValueToPoint(chart.PrimaryAxis, 1);
           float yPosition = (float)chart.ValueToPoint(chart.SecondaryAxis, 169);

           // Calculated positions for the second trackball
           float xPosition1 = (float)chart.ValueToPoint(chart.PrimaryAxis, 6);
           float yPosition1 = (float)chart.ValueToPoint(chart.SecondaryAxis, 170);

           // Display the first trackball
           trackball1.Display(xPosition, yPosition);

           // Display the second trackball
           trackball2.Display(xPosition1, yPosition1);

Step 6: To control the trackballs, simply hover over them with your mouse. As you move the mouse within the chart area, the trackball will follow the cursor, allowing you to inspect different data points interactively.



Explore the runnable demo from this GitHub location.


I hope you enjoyed learning about how to add and customize multiple trackballs in WPF Chart.

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