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How to clone the NodeViewModel in SfDiagram?

2 mins read

In the WPF Diagram, you can clone a NodeViewModel by creating a custom class that implements the ICloneable interface. In this custom class, use the Clone method to create a new instance of the NodeViewModel and copy the necessary properties from the original node to the new clone. This ensures that the cloned node has the same details as the original. We have provided the code example for how to achieve this.

Code Snippet :

public object Clone()
   var newobject = new CustomNodeViewModel()
       //Adding basic node details from original node clone node
       OffsetX = this.OffsetX,
       OffsetY = this.OffsetY,
       Constraints = this.Constraints,
       Shape = this.Shape,
       ShapeStyle = this.ShapeStyle,
       UnitHeight = this.UnitHeight,
       UnitWidth = this.UnitWidth,

       //You can add other custom propeties of the node that you want to add to clone node.

   //cloning ports from original node to cloned node
   newobject.Ports = new PortCollection();
   foreach (NodePortViewModel originalPort in this.Ports as IEnumerable<object>)
       NodePortViewModel clonedPort = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(NodePortViewModel)) as NodePortViewModel;
       clonedPort.NodeOffsetX = originalPort.NodeOffsetX;
       clonedPort.NodeOffsetY = originalPort.NodeOffsetY;
       (newobject.Ports as PortCollection).Add(clonedPort);

   //cloning annotation from original node to cloned node
   newobject.Annotations = new AnnotationCollection();
   foreach (AnnotationEditorViewModel originalAnnotation in this.Annotations as IEnumerable<object>)
       AnnotationEditorViewModel clonedAnnotation = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(AnnotationEditorViewModel)) as AnnotationEditorViewModel;
       clonedAnnotation.Content = originalAnnotation.Content;
       (newobject.Annotations as AnnotationCollection).Add(clonedAnnotation);
   return newobject;


View sample in Github

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