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How to Display Additional Values in Tooltip for JavaScript Column Chart?

2 mins read

This article explains how to display additional values in the tooltip for a JavaScript column chart.


In the tooltipRender, replace the ${point.tooltip} placeholder with the value of tooltipMappingName1 (additional data). This modification allows to include extra information alongside the existing tooltip mapping name.


The following example shows how to display additional values in tooltip for javascript column chart.

var data = [{ x: 'GBR', y: 27, tooltipMappingName: 'Great Britain', tooltipMappingName1: 'Gold', }];
var chart = new ej.charts.Chart({
tooltip: { enable: true, format: "<b>${point.x} : ${point.y} (${point.tooltip})(${point.tooltip})</b>" },
series: [
     tooltipMappingName: 'tooltipMappingName',
     dataSource: data,
tooltipRender(args)  {
           args.text = args.text.replace('${point.tooltip}',                  args.series.dataSource[args.point.index].tooltipMappingName1);

The following screenshot illustrates the output of the above code snippet


View Sample in Stackblitz

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