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How to synchronize the trackball in multiple WPF Charts?

3 mins read

This implementation demonstrates how to synchronize the trackball interaction between two charts using custom logic and a shared CustomTrackBallBehavior. Below is a step-by-step explanation of the logic used:

Step 1: Create Two Charts

  • Two SfChart controls (chart1 and chart2) are defined with their respective DateTimeAxis (primary axis) and NumericalAxis (secondary axis).
  • Both charts are associated with individual data collections (DataCollection1 and DataCollection2) for the FastLineSeries.
  • Each chart uses a custom CustomTrackBallBehavior that extends the default ChartTrackBallBehavior.
<chart:SfChart x:Name="chart1" Header="FirstChart" Margin="5">

       <local:CustomTrackBallBehavior x:Name="behavior1"/>

       <chart:DateTimeAxis ShowTrackBallInfo="True" x:Name="axis" LabelFormat="MMM-dd"/>

       <chart:NumericalAxis ShowTrackBallInfo="True" x:Name="secAxis"/>

   <chart:FastLineSeries x:Name="series1" XBindingPath="Date" YBindingPath="Value"
                  ItemsSource="{Binding DataCollection1}"/>


// Similarly for Second chart

Step 2: Add MouseMove Event Handlers

  • SfChart_MouseMove1 is attached to chart1 for detecting the mouse position within the first chart and similarly, SfChart_MouseMove2 is for second chart.
<chart:SfChart x:Name="chart1" MouseMove="SfChart_MouseMove1">

<chart:SfChart x:Name="chart2" MouseMove="SfChart_MouseMove2">

Step 3: Calculate the Mouse Point

  • When the user moves the mouse:
    • The mouse position is retrieved relative to the chart’s AdorningCanvas using Mouse.GetPosition().
    • The position is adjusted to align with the chart’s SeriesClipRect by subtracting its Left and Top values.
  • A condition checks if the adjusted MousePoint lies within the SeriesClipRect of the respective chart.
  • If true: The trackball is activated for both charts.
  • If false: The trackball is deactivated for both charts.
private void SfChart_MouseMove1(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
   // Taking the first chart position as reference to get the mouse point.
   MousePoint = Mouse.GetPosition(behavior1.AdorningCanvas);
   var chart1 = (sender as SfChart);

   if (chart1.SeriesClipRect.Contains(MousePoint))
       // Generalizing position with respect to axis width.
       MousePoint = new Point(
       MousePoint.X - chart1.SeriesClipRect.Left,
       MousePoint.Y - chart1.SeriesClipRect.Top);


// Similarly for second chart mouse move event
private void SfChart_MouseMove2(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

Step 4: Synchronize Trackball Across Charts

  • Activate Trackball: The ActivateTrackball method of CustomTrackBallBehavior is called for both charts. It sets the IsActivated property to true and updates the trackball position.
  • Deactivate Trackball: The DeactivateTrackball method hides the trackball by setting IsActivated to false.
public class CustomTrackBallBehavior : ChartTrackBallBehavior
    public void ActivateTrackball(Point mousePoint)
        IsActivated = true;

    public void DeactivateTrackball()
        IsActivated = false;


Synchronize trackball in multiple charts

For better understanding, please refer to the GitHub sample.


I hope you enjoyed learning about how to synchronize the trackball in WPF Chart(SfChart).

You can refer to our WPF Chart feature tour page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our WPF Chart documentation to understand how to create and manipulate data.

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