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How to Implementing Tooltips for React Uploader Icons

1 min read

This article provides guidance on how to implement tooltips for uploader icons such as delete, abort icon and other related icons in a web application. Tooltips can enhance user experience by providing additional information when users hover over icons.

To implement a tooltip instead of a title for uploader icons, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize the Tooltip Component: You need to initialize the TooltipComponent within the componentDidMount() lifecycle method of your component.

  2. Dynamic Tooltip Content: To dynamically update the tooltip content based on the uploader icon, access the aria-label attribute of the target element and bind it to the tooltip content in the beforeRender event of the tooltip.

Here is a code snippet that demonstrates how to achieve this:

componentDidMount() {
    this.tooltip = new Tooltip({
        beforeRender: this.onBeforeRender,
        content: 'Loading...',
        position: 'TopCenter',
        target: '.e-file-upload-btn, .e-file-clear-btn, .e-file-delete-btn, .e-file-abort-btn, .e-file-remove-btn, .e-file-reload-btn, .e-file-pause-btn, .e-file-play-btn'

onBeforeRender(args) {
    document.getElementsByClassName("e-tooltip")[0].ej2_instances[0].content ="aria-label");



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