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How to dynamically create sheets with data in HTML of Angular Spreadsheet?
11 mins read
This knowledge base article explains how to dynamically create sheets with data in the HTML of Angular Spreadsheet. This can be achieved by adding each sheet dynamically using the
<div class="control-section">
<ejs-spreadsheet #cellDataBind [showRibbon]="false" [showFormulaBar]="false">
<ng-container *ngFor="let sheet of excelData">
<e-sheet name="{{ sheet.sheetName }}">
<e-cell value=""></e-cell>
value="{{ sheet.objectType }}"
colSpan="{{ sheet.columnFields.length - 1 }}"
<ng-container *ngFor="let field of sheet.columnFields">
<e-cell value="{{ field }}" [style]="headingStyle"></e-cell>
<ng-container *ngFor="let question of">
<ng-container *ngFor="let field of sheet.columnFields">
<e-cell value="{{ question[field] }}"></e-cell>
<ng-container *ngFor="let field of sheet.columnFields">
*ngIf="field == 'Question'"
<e-column *ngIf="field != 'Question'" [width]="130"></e-column>
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { SpreadsheetAllModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-spreadsheet';
import { TextBoxAllModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-inputs';
import {
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-buttons';
import {
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-dropdowns';
import { Component, ViewEncapsulation, Inject, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-spreadsheet';
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
name: 'sortByOrder',
export class SortByOrderPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any[]): any[] {
return value.sort((n1, n2) => {
return n1.order - n2.order;
interface SheetDataItem {
Question: string;
responseType: string;
order: number;
id?: string;
parentId?: string | null;
parentAnswer?: any | null;
[key: string]: any;
interface SheetData {
sheetName: string;
taskHeaderId: string;
columnFields: Array<string>;
objectType: string;
data: Array<SheetDataItem>;
* Cell Data Binding Spreadsheet Controller
standalone: true,
imports: [
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: 'app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['app.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
export class AppComponent {
constructor() {}
public spreadsheetObj: SpreadsheetComponent;
public excelData: Array<SheetData> = [
sheetName: 'GreaseSkid',
taskHeaderId: 'xxx',
columnFields: ['Question', 'S2530', 'S2611', 'S23512'],
objectType: 'Skid',
data: [
S2530: false,
S2611: false,
S23512: false,
Question: 'Skip',
responseType: 'toggle',
order: 1,
S2530: true,
S2611: true,
S23512: true,
Question: 'Grease engine?',
responseType: 'toggle',
order: 2,
id: '9A27C21B-1494-1440-1B91-AAA6DCCC38AF',
parentId: null,
parentAnswer: null,
S2530: true,
S2611: false,
S23512: true,
Question: 'Grease cooler?',
responseType: 'toggle',
order: 3,
id: '187CCC4A-0E91-4A25-6915-679F93F49355',
parentId: null,
parentAnswer: null,
S2530: null,
S2611: null,
S23512: null,
Question: 'Inboard Idler Bearing',
responseType: 'int',
order: 4,
id: '013D5DE6-A14F-1FB6-8F0B-DC6A52AA21C9',
parentId: '187CCC4A-0E91-4A25-6915-679F93F49355',
parentAnswer: true,
S2530: null,
S2611: null,
S23512: null,
Question: 'Outboard Idler Bearing',
responseType: 'int',
order: 5,
id: 'C91EA970-5711-873B-A580-275EE546752F',
parentId: '187CCC4A-0E91-4A25-6915-679F93F49355',
parentAnswer: true,
S2530: null,
S2611: null,
S23512: null,
Question: 'Fan Shaft Bearing',
responseType: 'int',
order: 6,
id: '8167FA19-586C-3545-4498-0CA7EFDF3465',
parentId: '187CCC4A-0E91-4A25-6915-679F93F49355',
parentAnswer: true,
S2530: null,
S2611: true,
S23512: null,
Question: 'Grease Other?',
responseType: 'toggle',
order: 7,
id: '7E5A8092-A1FD-7B1E-2413-BC29F86303E7',
parentId: null,
parentAnswer: null,
sheetName: 'Some Other Task',
taskHeaderId: 'yyyy',
columnFields: ['Question', 'S2530', 'S2611', 'S23512'],
objectType: 'Skid',
data: [
S2530: false,
S2611: false,
S23512: false,
Question: 'Skip',
responseType: 'toggle',
order: 1,
S2530: true,
S2611: true,
S23512: true,
Question: 'Grease engine?',
responseType: 'toggle',
order: 2,
id: '9A27C21B-1494-1440-1B91-AAA6DCCC38AF',
parentId: null,
parentAnswer: null,
S2530: true,
S2611: false,
S23512: true,
Question: 'Grease cooler?',
responseType: 'toggle',
order: 3,
id: '187CCC4A-0E91-4A25-6915-679F93F49355',
parentId: null,
parentAnswer: null,
S2530: null,
S2611: null,
S23512: null,
Question: 'Inboard Idler Bearing',
responseType: 'int',
order: 4,
id: '013D5DE6-A14F-1FB6-8F0B-DC6A52AA21C9',
parentId: '187CCC4A-0E91-4A25-6915-679F93F49355',
parentAnswer: true,
S2530: null,
S2611: null,
S23512: null,
Question: 'Outboard Idler Bearing',
responseType: 'int',
order: 5,
id: 'C91EA970-5711-873B-A580-275EE546752F',
parentId: '187CCC4A-0E91-4A25-6915-679F93F49355',
parentAnswer: true,
S2530: null,
S2611: null,
S23512: null,
Question: 'Fan Shaft Bearing',
responseType: 'int',
order: 6,
id: '8167FA19-586C-3545-4498-0CA7EFDF3465',
parentId: '187CCC4A-0E91-4A25-6915-679F93F49355',
parentAnswer: true,
S2530: null,
S2611: true,
S23512: null,
Question: 'Grease Other?',
responseType: 'toggle',
order: 7,
id: '7E5A8092-A1FD-7B1E-2413-BC29F86303E7',
parentId: null,
parentAnswer: null,
public styles = { fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'center' };
public styles2 = { fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'right' };
public styles3 = { fontWeight: 'bold' };
currencyFormat: string = getFormatFromType('Currency');
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