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How to show a dialog on left mouse click in the first row of a React Spreadsheet?
3 mins read
This knowledge base article explains how to show a dialog on left mouse click in the first row of a React Spreadsheet. To achieve this, add a clickevent listener to the spreadsheet’s e-sheet panel element, which triggers only for left mouse click. In the event listener function, check if the target element contains the e-cell class and verify the aria-rowindex attribute to confirm if it is the first row. Then, you can show the dialog based on your requirements.
import * as React from "react";
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import './style.css';
import { SpreadsheetComponent, SheetsDirective, SheetDirective, RangesDirective, RangeDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-spreadsheet';
import { defaultData } from './data';
import { Dialog } from "@syncfusion/ej2-spreadsheet/src/spreadsheet/services";
const App = () => {
const spreadsheetRef = React.useRef<SpreadsheetComponent>(null);
const onCreated = () => {
let spreadsheet: SpreadsheetComponent = spreadsheetRef.current;
// The below click event is triggered only on the mouse left click.
spreadsheet.element.querySelector('.e-sheet-panel').addEventListener("click", function (event: MouseEvent) {
// Check the target has 'e-cell' class and row index is 1 for first row.
let target: HTMLElement = as HTMLElement;
if (target && target.classList.contains('e-cell') && target.parentElement.getAttribute('aria-rowindex') === "1") {
// Display your dialog here
const showDialog = () => {
let spreadsheet: SpreadsheetComponent = spreadsheetRef.current;
let dialogContent = "First row is left clicked";
const dialogInstance: Dialog = spreadsheet.serviceLocator.getService('dialog');
// To show the dialog with the specified content.{
header: "Dialog",
target: spreadsheet.element,
height: 150,
width: 300,
isModal: true,
allowDragging: true,
showCloseIcon: true,
content: dialogContent,
buttons: [
buttonModel: { content: 'Ok', isPrimary: true },
// triggers after clicking the Ok button in dialog.
click: (args) => {
// To hide the dialog instance.
return (<div className='control-pane'>
<div className='control-section spreadsheet-control'>
<SpreadsheetComponent openUrl='' saveUrl='' ref={spreadsheetRef} created={onCreated}>
<SheetDirective name="Car Sales Report">
<RangeDirective dataSource={defaultData}></RangeDirective>
export default App;
const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('element')!);
root.render(<App />);
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