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How to Prevent Node from Moving Outside the Group in WPF Diagram?

4 mins read

In the WPF Diagram, you can prevent nodes from moving outside their designated groups by overriding the PointerSelection method in a custom Selector class. Within this method, use the ClearSelection method to reset the selection if a node is moved outside its group. This prevents the node from being repositioned outside its designated area. Below is the provided code snippet to achieve this functionality.

Code Snippet:

//Method to return the selector for diagram
protected override Selector GetSelectorForItemOverride(object item)
    //Assigning custom selector to the diagram
    CustomSelector selector = new CustomSelector();
    return selector;

//Custom class for selector
public class CustomSelector : Selector
   //Method to decide whether the Selection should be done in PointerDown.
   protected override void PointerSelection(PointerSelectionArgs args)
       if (args.PointerMode == PointerMode.Down)
           //Check whether if we select the Node or not
           if (args.Source is NodeViewModel)
               NodeViewModel node = args.Source as NodeViewModel;

               //Check whether the parent group of the parent is null or not
               if (node.ParentGroup != null)
                   //Ensure the IsSelected Property of the Parent Group of the Node.
                   if ((node.ParentGroup as GroupViewModel).IsSelected)
                       //Clear the Selection if we select the Node
                       ClearSelection(Element: args.Source);
                       Selection(element: args.Source);
                   Selection(element: args.Source);
           else if (args.Source is ConnectorViewModel)
               Selection(element: args.Source);
           else if(args.Source is SfDiagram)
               //Clear the selelction if we select the diagram
               ClearSelection(Element: args.Source);


I hope you enjoyed learning about how to prevent the node from moving outside the group in WPF Diagram.
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