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How do I manually embed the licenses outside of Visual Studio?

1 min read

How do I manually embed the licenses when developing outside of Visual Studio?


Unlike C# and VB.NET, the VS.NET compiler for managed C++ does not automatically embed the keys for licensed controls.

While a licenses.licx file is still created (in VS.NET 2003), the embedding of the keys requires a manual step.

Lc.exe is a .NET framework utility used to generate a *.licenses file for your application that you must then add to your project. The command line is the following:

lc /target:<YOUR filename.exe exe> /complist:licenses.licx /i:licensedassembly.dll

As an alternative to the licenses.licx file, which VS.NET 2002 does not create, you should create a text file
(which you would pass to /complist - e.g. "/complist:controls.txt") with the following format:

Syncfusion.Core.Licensing.LicensedComponent, Syncfusion.Core

For example, if the C++ project output is "cplusplus.exe" and it uses the ColorPicker from Syncfusion.Shared.Base.dll and the ChartControl from Syncfusion.Chart.Windows.dll, the command line would be:

lc /target:cplusplus.exe /complist:licenses.licx /i:Syncfusion.Core.dll

This will create a licenses file named "cplusplus.exe.licenses" that can then be added to your managed C++ application. In VS.NET, right click the project in the Solution Explorer and then select Properties->Linker->Input and then add the newly created licenses file in the entry for Embed Managed Resource File.

When you rebuild your executable, the licenses file will be embedded into it for run-time deployment.


This generation is only required once for a project, provided that the licenses.licx file encompasses all necessary Syncfusion Assemblies for the project.


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