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How can I change the state of the DockingWindows?

1 min read


The state of the DockingWindow can be changed with the help of the following code.


<!--Float Mode--> <DockPanel Name="DockingWindow1"Syncfusion:DockingManager.State="Float"/> <!--Dock Mode--> <DockPanel Name="DockingWindow2"Syncfusion:DockingManager.State="Dock"/>


//changing the state to Dock Mode DockingManager.SetState(dockwindow, DockState.Dock); //changing the state to Float Mode DockingManager.SetState(dockwindow, DockState.Float); //changing the state to AutoHide Mode DockingManager.SetState(dockwindow, DockState.AutoHidden); //changing the state to Hidden Mode DockingManager.SetState(dockwindow, DockState.Hidden);

Syncfusion Inc.

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