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Modifying existing Syncfusion source code and using it in an application

2 mins read


In order to make changes in our source code, and use it in your application, you would need to rebuild the source again. The tool, Build Manager, makes this work easy in the following ways:

  1. You can compile the source in Debug mode to debug or troubleshoot the problem or compile it in Release mode.
  2. You can compile the modified source with a strong key, and can use it in distribution.

    Based on the .NET Framework installed on your machine, the Syncfusion Build Manager will enable the Framework version check box accordingly.


The source of the assemblies listed above can be found under the following path:

${install_drive}:\Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\${version}

Please follow the instructions provided below to build assemblies using Build Manager:

1. Open Dashboard --> Run Build Manager.

2. Under the Framework Version group box, click the required .NET Framework.

3. Under the Product group box, select the required product from the drop-down list box.

4. Under the Assembly Type group box, click the required assembly type.

Select the required type under the Assembly Type group box






If you want to add your company’s private key in the modified Syncfusion Source code for use in your distribution, please perform the following steps:

i) Under the Strong Key group box, click the Choose File button.

ii) The Open dialog will appear; now you can select your company private key.

If the private key setting of any one of the assemblies is modified, the rest of the dependency assemblies (to be used in the project) have to be built with the same key.




Selecting "Use Strong Key"

5. After selecting the required options in the Build Manger, click the Perform Build button.




Now, the build operation is performed and the status is updated in the text area, inside the output frame. Upon completion of the build operation, a dialog box will be displayed stating, “Build operation has been completed. Please review build’s output and log for additional information.”

You can view detailed documentation for Build Manager at the link below:

Build Manager

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