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Configuring VS 2005 toolbox to work with VB projects in Miscellaneous

1 min read

             Please download the files from the link below:

VS 2005 Toolbox


If you have installed Essential Studio Version 8.1.0.x on your machine, perform the following steps:

1.     Replace the InstallInfoGenerator.exe and Installinfo.bat batch file in the following location:


[Syncfusion Installed path]\Utilities\InstallInfoGenerator\


2.  Open the command prompt in the administrator mode and run the "Installinfo.bat" batch file.


3. Open the Dashboard from any of

the following locations:

a.     Start ->Programs ->Syncfusion ->Essential Studio x.x.x.x ->Dashboard

b.     [Syncfusion Installed Path]\infrastructure\Dashboard\2.0 or 3.5 or 4.0 folder.


              4.     Under the Assembly Management open the Syncfusion Assembly Manager.


              5.     Select the corresponding framework check box, and then click Perform Action;

                       This will install the Syncfusion assemblies into the GAC and also in the assemblies folder.



In Syncfusion Assembly Manager, if the framework check box is grayed out, please view the following Knowledge Base article to resolve this issue.




 Syncfusion Assembly Manager Framework Version Grayed Out


Replace ToolBoxInstaller.exe in the following location. [Syncfusion Installed path]\Utilities\ToolBoxInstallers


Run installVS2005.bat in the same location. It will configure the Syncfusion toolbox in Visual Studio 2005. Now you can see that the Syncfusion Windows controls are in the Visual Studio 2005 toolbox.

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