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How to generate Syncfusion setup unlock key from Syncfusion support account

2 mins read

How to generate Syncfusion Installer Unlock key from the Syncfusion Support Account


The following steps will help you to generate the unlock key:

Unlock key will be used to unlock the licensed and trial installers of the specific version of specific product.

Unlock key will be available for the following products,

  • Essential Studio (Developer Platform)
  • All Products under Developer Platform.
  • Data Platforms – Dashboard, Reports, Big Data, and Data Integration
  • Orubase



If you could not find unlock key link option for some products, that means unlock key not required to that products


To get unlock key for trial license:

  1. If you are the active trial user, you can get the unlock key from Trial and Downloads page.
  2. In this page you can see all your active trial downloads.
  3. Click on Get unlock key link (refer the following screenshot) to generate the  unlock key.

The option to generate a unlock key

  1. Click Get Unlock Key link, a dialog box will open , you can find the unlock key for selected products in that dialog box.


Generated unlock key





Trial products will be available only for latest versions, so you can get the latest version trial key. You could not generate the trial key for different versions.


To get unlock key for licensed products:

  1. If you are the licensed user, you can get the unlock key from License Downloads and Keys page.
  2. In this page, you can see all the licensed products which are under your account.
  3. You can generate the unlock key only for available products.
  4. Click Get unlock key link (refer the following screenshot) to generate the  unlock key.

Get unlock key for licensed products

  1. Click Unlock Key link, a dialog box will open, you can choose the version option and generate the unlock key.

Select the version for which you need to generate the unlock key.


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