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How to localize the Tooltip for the toolbar buttons in PdfViewer control?

1 min read

In PdfViewer default toolbar shows the tooltip text as common language. If we need to localize the tooltip text by using our local language, we have to use custom toolbar. In custom toolbar we can able to change the tooltip text according our local language. 

Below code snippets represent the localized Tooltip text in German language.


    this.buttonOpen.Text = "Klicken Sie hier um ein PDF-Dokument zu öffnen";
    this.buttonFirst.ToolTipText = "erste Seite";
    this.buttonPrevious.ToolTipText = "Vorherige Seite";
    this.buttonNext.ToolTipText = "nächste Seite";
    this.buttonLast.ToolTipText = "Letzte Seite";
    this.buttonFitPage.ToolTipText = "Seite anpassen";
    this.buttonFitWidth.ToolTipText = "Breite anpassen";



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