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How to get connection string from an Excel sheet in .NET WebForms OlapGrid ?

1 min read

This KB illustrates that how to get connection string from an Excel sheet.


You can follow the given steps to get connection string.

Step 1

Open a new Excel sheet.

Step 2

Click Data tab  à From Other Sources à From Analysis Services.


connection of SSAS


Step 3

The Data Connection Wizard dialog appears. Provide server name in Server Name textbox and click Next.


When you have credentials to your SQL Server, enter its user name and password accordingly.

Server connection of SSAS


Step 4

Select the Cube and click Next.


Cube selection


Step 5

Finally, click Finish.


Server and cube information for connection


Step 6

Now, click the Analyze tab à Change Data Source à Connection Properties…


Changing datasource


Step 7

The Connection Properties window appears. Select the Definition tab and copy the connection string.


Connection properties window


You can use this connection string in your project or application, holding your OLAP control.

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