How to customize the CaptionSummaryCell text in WPF DataGrid?
In the WPF DataGrid, GridCaptionSummaryCell displays the GroupCaption and the Caption Summary value. You can refer here to know more about the Caption Summaries. By default, the GroupCaption text is displayed in the {ColumnName}: {Key} – {ItemsCount} Items format. You can customize the GroupCaptionText with the help of the GroupCaptionTextFormat. You can refer here to know more about the GroupCaptionTextFormat.
By default, the CaptionSummaryCell text is displayed as follows.
Figure 1: CaptionSummaryCell text – Default format
By using the GroupCaptionTextFormat, you cannot modify the GroupName, Group KEY, and itemscount in different formats for the available groups based on some conditions. To achieve this, you need to derive a new class from the GridCaptionSummaryCellRenderer and override the OnInitializeEditElement () and OnUpdateEditBinding () methods in the derived CustomCaptionSummarycellRenderer. You can refer to the following code example to derive a new class from the GridCaptionSummaryCellRenderer.
public class CustomCaptionSummaryCellRenderer : GridCaptionSummaryCellRenderer { …. }
Group KEY and items (Default Text) in the CaptionSummaryCell text are displayed in different formats based on the itemscount. For example, in the code example, Group KEY 1000 is changed into one thousand based on the group name and the default text, items, is changed into entries in the group or elements in the group based on the itemscount.
OnInitializeEditElement method is used to initialize the content of the CaptionSummaryCell by using the grouped column details and it is invoked while creating a SpannedDataColumn in the CaptionSummaryRow.
You can refer to the following code example to override the OnInitializeEditElement ().
/// <summary> /// Method to initialize the CaptionSummaryCell. /// </summary> public override void OnInitializeEditElement(DataColumnBase dataColumn, GridCaptionSummaryCell uiElement, object dataContext) { if (dataContext is Group) { var groupRecord = dataContext as Group; if (this.DataGrid.CaptionSummaryRow == null) { // get the column which is grouped var groupedColumn = this.GetGroupedColumn(groupRecord); //set the captionsummarycell text as customized. uiElement.Content = GetCustomizedCaptionText(groupedColumn.HeaderText, groupRecord.Key, groupRecord.ItemsCount); } else if (this.DataGrid.CaptionSummaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow) { uiElement.Content = SummaryCreator.GetSummaryDisplayTextForRow(groupRecord.SummaryDetails, this.DataGrid.View); } else uiElement.Content = SummaryCreator.GetSummaryDisplayText(groupRecord.SummaryDetails, dataColumn.GridColumn.MappingName, this.DataGrid.View); } }
In the OnInitializeEditElement method, CaptionSummaryCell text can be customized by using grouped column name, Group KEY and the itemscount. By using GetGroupedColumn method, the grouped column is obtained. ShowSummaryInRow property in GridSummaryRow is used to decide whether the summary value is displayed in the specific row or column. By using GetDisplayTextForRow method and GetDisplayText method, CaptionSummaryCell text is displayed based on the ShowSummaryInRow property. You can refer here to know more about the GridSummaryRow properties.
OnUpdateEditBinding method is used to update the CaptionSummaryCell text when there is a change in grouping like itemscount, Group KEY, and grouped column name; and it is invoked when the CaptionSummaryRow is updated and also whenever the grid is refreshed. You can refer to the following code example to override the OnUpdateEditBinding ().
/// <summary> /// Method to update the CaptionSummaryCell. /// </summary> public override void OnUpdateEditBinding(DataColumnBase dataColumn, GridCaptionSummaryCell element, object dataContext) { if (element.DataContext is Group && this.DataGrid.View.GroupDescriptions.Count > 0) { var groupRecord = element.DataContext as Group; //get the column which is grouped. var groupedColumn = this.GetGroupedColumn(groupRecord); if (this.DataGrid.CaptionSummaryRow == null) { if (this.DataGrid.View.GroupDescriptions.Count < groupRecord.Level) return; //set the captionsummary text as customized. element.Content = GetCustomizedCaptionText(groupedColumn.HeaderText, groupRecord.Key, groupRecord.ItemsCount); } else if (this.DataGrid.CaptionSummaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow) { element.Content = SummaryCreator.GetSummaryDisplayTextForRow(groupRecord.SummaryDetails, this.DataGrid.View, groupedColumn.HeaderText); } else element.Content = SummaryCreator.GetSummaryDisplayText(groupRecord.SummaryDetails, dataColumn.GridColumn.MappingName, this.DataGrid.View); } }
You can refer to the following code example for GetGroupedColumn ().
/// <summary> /// Method to get the Column that is grouped. /// </summary> private GridColumn GetGroupedColumn(Group group) { var groupDesc = this.DataGrid.View.GroupDescriptions[group.Level - 1] as PropertyGroupDescription; foreach (var column in this.DataGrid.Columns) { if (column.MappingName == groupDesc.PropertyName) { return column; } }2 return null; }
You can refer to the following code example for GetCustomizedCaptionText ().
/// <summary> /// Method to Customize the CaptionSummaryCell Text. /// </summary> private string GetCustomizedCaptionText(string columnName, object groupName, int itemsCount) { //entryText - instead of "Items", the entryText is assigned to Customize the CaptionSummaryCell Text. string entryText = string.Empty; if (itemsCount < 20) entryText = "entries in the Group"; else if (itemsCount < 40) entryText = "elements in the Group"; else if (itemsCount < 60) entryText = "list in the Group"; else entryText = "items in the Group"; if (groupName.ToString().Equals("1000")) groupName = "One Thousand"; else if (groupName.ToString().Equals("1002")) groupName = "Thousand and Two"; else if (groupName.ToString().Equals("1004")) groupName = "Thousand and Four"; return string.Format("{0}: {1} - {2} {3}", columnName, groupName, itemsCount, entryText); }
In the GetCustomizedCaptionText method, the CaptionSummaryCell text is framed and customized text is returned. You can refer to the following code example to remove the default GridCaptionSummaryCellRenderer and add the derived GridCaptionSummaryCellRenderer to the renderers’ collection in the SfDataGrid.
//Default CaptionSummaryCellRenderer CellRenderer is removed. this.datagrid.CellRenderers.Remove("CaptionSummary"); //Customized CaptionSummaryCellRenderer is added. this.datagrid.CellRenderers.Add("CaptionSummary", new CustomCaptionSummaryCellRenderer());
After the customization of the CaptionSummaryCell text, the CaptionSummaryCell is displayed as follows.
Figure 2: Customized CaptionSummaryCell text
In the above screenshot, the Group KEY is changed as One Thousand instead of 1000, thousand and two instead of 1002 and also the default text, items, is changed as entries in the group, elements in the group based on the itemscount.
You can refer to the sample from following location.
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