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How to rename the caption inside AxisElementBuilder?

1 min read

You can change the name displayed in SplitButton of AxisElementBuilder as illustrated in the following code example.


public MainWindow()
                this.olapClient1.OlapDataManager = new Syncfusion.Olap.Manager.OlapDataManager("Data Source=; Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW 2008 SE;");
                this.olapClient1.OlapDataManager.AxisElementChanged += new Syncfusion.Olap.Manager.AxisElementChangedEventHandler(OlapDataManager_AxisElementChanged);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Data will not be loaded properly");
void OlapDataManager_AxisElementChanged(object sender, AxisElementChangedEventArgs e)
            foreach (MetaTreeNode node in olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderRow.MetaTreeNodes)
                var hierarchy = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Hierarchy);
                var dimension = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Dimension);
                if (dimension != null && hierarchy != null)
                    node.Caption = "Give the name which needs to be displayed";
            foreach (MetaTreeNode node in olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes)
                var hierarchy = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Hierarchy);
                var dimension = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Dimension);
                if (dimension != null && hierarchy != null)
                    node.Caption = " Give the name which needs to be displayed";
            foreach (MetaTreeNode node in olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderSlicer.MetaTreeNodes)
                var hierarchy = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Hierarchy);
                var dimension = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Dimension);
                if (dimension != null && hierarchy != null)
                    node.Caption = "Give the name which needs to be displayed";


Private Function MainWindow() As Public
            Me.olapClient1.OlapDataManager = New Syncfusion.Olap.Manager.OlapDataManager("Data Source=; Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW 2008 SE;")
            Me.olapClient1.OlapDataManager.AxisElementChanged += New Syncfusion.Olap.Manager.AxisElementChangedEventHandler(OlapDataManager_AxisElementChanged)
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Data will not be loaded properly")
        End Try
    End Function
    Private Sub OlapDataManager_AxisElementChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxisElementChangedEventArgs)
        Dim node As MetaTreeNode
        For Each node In olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderRow.MetaTreeNodes
            Dim hierarchy As var = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Hierarchy)
            Dim dimension As var = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Dimension)
            If Not dimension Is Nothing And hierarchy Is Nothing Then
                node.Caption = "Give the name which needs to be displayed"
            End If
        Dim node As MetaTreeNode
        For Each node In olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes
            Dim hierarchy As var = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Hierarchy)
            Dim dimension As var = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Dimension)
            If Not dimension Is Nothing And hierarchy Is Nothing Then
                node.Caption = "Give the name which needs to be displayed"
            End If
        Dim node As MetaTreeNode
        For Each node In olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderSlicer.MetaTreeNodes
            Dim hierarchy As var = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Hierarchy)
            Dim dimension As var = node.Properties.FindByName(PropertyConstants.Dimension)
            If Not dimension Is Nothing And hierarchy Is Nothing Then
                node.Caption = "Give the name which needs to be displayed"
            End If
    End Sub

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