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How to render control after the installation of Syncfusion ASP.NET/ASP.NET MVC NuGet Packages?

1 min read

Once you installed the Syncfusion ASP.NET / ASP.NET MVC NuGet package, perform the following steps to render the Syncfusion Controls in your project.

  1. Add the required Script and CSS file references in master page.

For ASP.NET MVC: Refer required Script and CSS file references in Layout page for ASP.NET MVC platform

Figure 1: Adding Script References in _Layout.cshtml/_Layout.vbhtml

For ASP.NET: Refer required Script and CSS file references in Layout page for ASP.NET platform

Figure2: Adding Script References in Site.Master

  1. Now, include the Syncfusion controls to your project. Refer to the following screenshot.

For ASP.NET MVC: ASP.NET MVC platform Syncfusion control render           

Figure 3: Rendering Syncfusion Controls in ASP.NET MVC

For ASP.NET: ASP.NET platform Syncfusion control render

Figure 4: Rendering Syncfusion Controls in ASP.NET

  1. Finally, run the project and the following output is displayed.  Output of Syncfusion control after render the control.

Figure5: ASP.NET / ASP.NET MVC Sample project output


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